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4 Leave a b~¢ycle or scooter in a place other than a b~cycle rack when such <br /> <br />~s prowded and there ~s space available <br /> <br /> 5 R~de a b~cycle, skate board, scooter, skates of any descnpbon, etc or <br /> <br />operate or nde ~n or on any other self propelled or motor propelled mode of <br />transportation without reasonable regard to the safety of others B~cycles, skateboards, <br />skates of any descnpbon, etc. are not permitted on tenms courts at any bme <br /> <br /> 6 Leave a b~cycle, scooter, skateboard, etc lying on the ground or <br /> <br />pavement or against trees, or m any place or pos~bon where other persons maytnp over <br />or be injured by ~t <br /> <br /> 7 Unless otherwise posted, operate a vehicle of any kind ~n excess of 19 <br /> <br />miles per hour within the Park <br /> <br /> 8 Operate a motonzed trail b~ke or any other motorized vehicle or mode of <br />transportation designed pnmanly for off-road use within the confines of the Park, except <br />~n clearly designated areas <br /> <br /> 9 Park a vehicle or any Other mode of transportation ~n a towing area, such <br />as a hand~capped-park~ng area, on the grass, or on the shoulder of a road Any vehicle <br />so parked may be towed at the owner's expense The decision to tow a vehicle w~ll be <br />made by the Park official or any other proper County personnet <br /> 10 Stop or park a vehicle or place any table, tent, etc or any other object <br />whatsoever in any area that is designated as a fire lane <br />Section 50-12. Personal Conduct. <br /> <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person to <br /> <br /> 1 Engage ~n criminal, disorderly, ~mmoral, or abusive conduct of any kind <br />w~thm the Park "Disorderly conduct" shall be determined in the d~scretlon of Park <br />officials and County enf~)rcement authonbes <br /> <br /> 2 Engage ~n any acbwty that may consbtute a hazard to the safety of h~m or <br />other persons Such act~wbes may ~nclude, but are not limited to, archery, hitting of golf <br />balls, and horseback nd~ng Whether an acbwty Is hazardous shall be determined ~n the <br />d~screbon of Park officials and County enforcement authonbes <br /> <br /> <br />