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3 D~spose of lighted or unhghted matches, i~ghters, c~gars, c~garettes, or any <br />potentially flammable material or substance of any kind or nature ~n other than Park <br />containers designated for such rtems <br /> <br /> 4 Engage in threatening, abusive, ~nsultmg or ~ndecent language, or in <br /> <br />excessively noisy conduct of any kind at any time within the Park, such that ~t <br />unreasonably d~sturbs other Park patrons or neighbors Park enforcement authorities <br />and County enforcement authorities are empowered to determine whether no~se ~s <br />excessive or unreasonably d~sturb~ng <br /> <br /> 5 Throw rocks or objects of any kind However, th~s does not ~nclude balls, <br /> <br />fnsbees, or other game equipment used ~n athletic events, when used m a reasonable <br />manner and ~n such a way that they do not become hazards to other P~rk patrons <br /> <br /> 6 Sohc~t, peddle or beg within any Park or sell any merchandise or wares, <br /> <br />provided, th~s subsection does not apply to (a) any concession rights granted by the <br />Department, or (b) any solicitation or sale of goods by nonprofit or civic groups, <br />prowded that a written permit Is obtained in advance from the Department. <br /> <br /> 7 interfere with or in any manner hinder any County employee or Park <br /> <br />employee, the County, the State, or any of their appointed agents in the performance of <br />his dubes <br /> <br />Section 50-13. Enforcement. <br /> 1 Violators of this Ordinance are pumshable by ~mmedlate suspension from <br /> <br />all Parks for not more than thirty days for the first offense <br />be for such t~me deemed approximate from t~me <br />Commissioners The Department D~rector and h~s <br /> <br /> Thereafter, suspension may <br />to t~me by the Boar~ of <br />designee 0nclud~ng w~thout <br /> <br />hm~tatlon, Park officials and County enforcement authorities) are empowered to invoke <br />and enforce this suspension <br /> <br /> 2 Park personnel authonzed by the Board of Commissioners and County <br /> <br />law enforcement authonbes shall have the duty and responsibility to enforce th~s <br />Ordinance and shall be empowered to issue citations for violabons as set forth here~n <br />when ~n their judgment, any provisions have been v~olated <br /> <br /> 3.' In add~bon to any other State fines an~ penalties apphcable to such <br />c[tabon, each person rece~wng an Ordinance citation must, w~th~n 15 Bus,ness Days of <br /> <br /> <br />