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~ts ~ssuance, pay, as a penalty and ~n full sabsfacbon of such wolabon, the sum or sums <br />set forth here~n as such fines may be rewsed from time to bme by the Board of <br />Commissioners and incorporated herein Fadure of such person to render payment of <br />said amount within the bme frame specified here~n may render such person'subject to <br />pumshment for a m~sdemeanor under the State General Statutes <br /> <br />Section 50-14. Ordinance Violations and Fines. <br /> 1 Parbng and speeding v~olat~ons w~th corresponding fines are hsted on the <br />attached Schedule 1, which Is incorporated as ~f more fully set forth hereto Schedule 1 <br />may be amended from brae to bme <br /> <br /> 2 V~olatlons of Secbon 50-5 of th~s Ordinance, subsections 2, 3, and 4 are <br />also punishable by the appropriate penalties and/or laws governing ~nland waters as set <br />forth by the State Wlldhfe Resources Commission ("W~ldhfe Commission") Any and all <br />enforcement officers of the W~ldhfe Commission have full authority to enforce such <br />regulattons <br /> <br /> 3 Wolabons of all other Ordinance secbons may also consbtute a <br />misdemeanor pursuant to the applicable State General Statutes and may be punishable <br />by additional fines or ~mprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or both <br />Section 50-15. Other Relief Available. <br /> Th~s Ordinance may be enforced by an appropriate remedy as authorized by the <br />~General Statutes of North Carohna All enforcement remed,es hereto are cumulabve <br />Section 50-16. Severability. <br /> If any prows~on of th~s Ordinance or ~ts apphcabon to any person or <br />c~rcumstances ~s held tnvahd, such invahd~ty shall not affect other prowsions or <br />apphcabons of the Ordinance, which can be g~ven effect without the ~nvahd provtslon or <br />apphcatton <br /> <br /> Sect,on 50-17. Effective Date. <br /> <br /> <br />