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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />Mr. Patrick said he would hke to point out that they have general <br />~ndustnal ~mmedlate]y adjacent to them and he ~s assuming that <br />there are no use restncbons there. He sa~d no he would not have a <br />problem w~th a straight up decision tomght. <br /> <br />Mr. Hill said Mr. Patrick is correct. He IS surrounded on two of the <br />four sides by general ~ndustnal. Mr. Hdl sa~d he thinks the Board <br />should accept the petition as he stated. <br /> <br />The Chair closed the Public Hearing on Pebbon C02-03(R). <br /> <br />Mr. Griffin seconded Mr. Hdl motion to approve Petibon C02-03(R). <br /> <br />The vote was 4 to 3. Mr. Dwigg~ns, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Hill and Mr. <br />Moore In favor of the rezoning. Mr. Benton, Ms. bngafelt and Mr. <br />Moose against the rezomng. <br />Pebbon C02-03(R) Approved <br /> <br />Mr. Lentz said this wdl automatically be forwarded to the County <br />Commissioners. <br /> <br />The Chair introduced the second ~tem of new business on the Agenda, <br />Prellmlnaw Subdivision Rat Approval, Petition C02-08(S): <br /> <br />Applicant: Craft Homes <br />Request: Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval <br /> <br />This was a request to the Cabarrus County Planning and Zomng <br />Commission from Craft Homes to have their subdivision plat Craft <br />Homes approved preliminary. <br /> <br />Mr. Rodger Lentz, Planning Manager, addressed the Board <br />presenting Petition C02-08(S) and staff report stating this <br />subd~ws~on meets all subdivision regulabons and design <br />requirements except for the adequate faohties. They submitted a <br />service avallabdlty letter from the Qty of Concord addressing water <br />and sewer ~nfrastructure acceptance. Staff recommends approval <br />with the following cond~bons, l) All fees must be paid to Cabarrus <br />County and the City of Concord prior to final platting. 2) An <br />Erosion and Sedlmentabon Control Plan must be submitted prior <br /> <br /> <br />