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ICABARRUS COUNTYI <br /> NOR|~ CARQtl,SA <br />· Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />November 2:1,2002 <br />7:00 P.M. <br /> <br />Mr. Thomas Dw~gg~ns, Chmrperson, called the meebng to order at 7:02 p.m. <br />Members present m add~bon to the Chair were Mr. Danny Benton, Hr. Clyde <br />Dp/e, -ir., Mr. Larry Griffin, Mr. Carl Hill Mr. Lanny Lancaster, Ms. M~ke bngafelt, <br />Mr. John L~ttlefield and Mr Dewey Moose, Ir. Attending from the Planmng <br />Service D~ws~on were Mr. Rodger Lentz, Planning Manager, Mr..lay Lowe, Semor <br />Zoning Officer and Ms. Phyllis C. Cam Also attending was Mr. Richard Koch, <br />Attorney for the Planning and Zomng Commission. <br /> <br />There being no corrections to the October 17, 2002 Minutes, Mr. Dp/e <br />MOTIONED, seconded by Mr. Griffin to approve the minutes as maded The vote <br />was unanimous. <br /> <br />Old Bus~ness <br /> <br />NC Highway 73 Corridor Study <br /> <br />The Chmr said the first ~tem of old business on the Agenda ~s the <br />NC H~ghway 73 Corridor Study, which the Board had tabled for <br />some clanficabons. <br /> <br />Mr. Rodger Lentz, Planmng Manager, addressed the Board stabng <br />he sent the Board a memo ~n their packets w~th an outhne of what <br />the recommendations were. He smd there was a change ~n the <br />wording that the MPO d~d regarding the UDO. Mr. Lentz sa~d he <br />also recommended ~f the Board feels more comfortable thru could <br />read, "Cabarrus County should be encouraged to adopt selected <br />UDO development standards for the northwest part of the County. <br />Th~s wdl facd~tate comprehensive ~mplementabon of th~s plan." <br />Based on th~s wording staff would rewew and forward to the <br />Planmng Board standards associated w~th right-of-way protecbon, <br />driveway separabon and design, traffic study requirements and <br />level of service requirements. <br /> <br /> Planning Serwces Department <br /> PO Box 707 · Concord, NC 28026-0707 · 704-920-2141 · Fax 704-920-2019 <br />Current & Long Range Planning Diwslon 704 920-2141 · Commumty Development D~vis~on 704-920 2142 <br />Erosion and Sediment Control D~ws~on 704-920-2887 Fax 704 920-2144 · Transportatmn D~ws~on 704-920-2150 <br />Zoning D~wsmn 704 920-2137 Fax 704-920-2144 <br />www co cabarrus nc us <br /> <br /> <br />