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Planning and Zoning Cqmm~ss~on Minutes <br />November 21, 2002 Page 2 <br /> <br />Mr, Hdl sa~d one of the th~ngs he was concerned about is <br />somewhere in there he read about standardizing all the budding <br />fronts down Highway 73. He sa~d this was a s~mdar plan that k~nd <br />of fad on Highway 29 because of c~tizen uproar. Mr, Hill sa~d ~t <br />does not really make good sense. He said he take great umbrage <br />w~th that particular area there. <br /> <br />Hr. Lentz sa~d he th~nk that was not the intent. He sa~d on page 2 <br />of his memo, Concord and Kannapohs their overlay districts that he <br />is refemng to are modeled after the one the County already has in <br />place, He said the purpose of that ~s to protect right-of-way and <br />make sure that those setbacks are far back enough that we are <br />protecting that appropriate right-of-way for the future <br />improvement, Hr. Lentz sa~d what he will bnng to the Board as <br />part of that recommendation at a later date would be to make sure <br />when Concord adopted the UDO that our thoroughfare overlay <br />districts are still adequate and that we are all protecting the same <br />amount of right-of-way and that sort of thing. He sa~d there ~s no <br />intent to get ~nto architectural standards along that corndor, Hr. <br />Lentz sa~d ~f the cities want to do that when they annex, that is up <br />to them, but the County ~s not recommending to th~s board that we <br />do something s~m~lar to H~ghway 29, He sa~d our only purpose ~s to <br />protect right~of-way and to make sure that the access points are <br />spaced ~n such a way that we are going to have good traffic <br />movement. That ~s our only ~ntent. <br /> <br />Hr. Hdl sa~d to Mr, Lentz that he would suggest that it be removed <br />from the plan that he originally gave the Board. He said he th~nks <br />probably the most important th~ng we should be dec~ding is the <br />right-of-way footage. Hr. Hdl said he thinks the rest of ~t would <br />probably fall in place once we get ~t put together. He sa~d he <br />th~nks that is the recommendation you probably should be looking <br />for at this time because we are probably premature on everything <br />else, Once we get the right-of-way footage ~n place then <br />everything will kindly come together and you can go revamp the <br />plan. Mr, Hill said at this time it is pretty d~fficult to build a plan <br />when you do not know where you are going. <br /> <br />The Chair asked ~f there is a morton to return for a rewr~te or to <br />approve or to deny? <br /> <br /> <br />