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Availability of firm to County (15 points) <br />· Capacity to perform services within acceptable time and financial restraints (15 <br /> points) <br />· Not to exceed price (10 points) <br />2. The cost of services will be considered but will not be a primary selection criteria. <br />3. Consultant selection and procurement shall be conducted in accordance with 24 CFR <br /> 85.36 Competitive negotiation process. Proposals will be solicited from all firms <br /> wishing to be considered. All proposals received by he deadline and prepared in <br /> accordance with the proposal instructions will be reviewed in accordance with the <br /> previously listed criteria. Cabarrus County will select the consultant best qualified to <br /> prepare the grant application. <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND <br />SERVICE PROVIDER AND ENCOURAGES SMALL, FEMALE, AND/OR <br />MINORITY FIRMS TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS. <br /> <br /> <br />