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9 <br /> and women are'fairlY ret esented. <br /> (d) The initial mmr ers of the county board appointed by the board or boards of county <br /> .commissioners shall sen: staggered terms, one-third shall be appointed for a term of one year, <br /> one- thizd shall be appointed for a term of two years, and one-third shall be appointed for a term <br /> of three years. Members ~ppointed by virtue of their office serve only while holding the office or <br /> position held at the time[~>f appointment. A vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term <br /> of office shall be filled ~g the same manner as original appointments for the remainder of the <br /> term. Members may be r~appointed without limitation. <br /> (e) The members of he county board shall, wittzin 30 days after the last initial appointment <br /> is made, meet and elect ne member as chairman and one member as vice-chairman and appoint <br /> a secretary-treasurer wl'~cI need not b.e a member. For purposes of transacting business, a majority <br /> of the membership constiiutes a quorum. <br /> (f) The county boar~ shall meet at least quarterly and may also hold special meetings at the <br /> ,call of the Chairman. <br /> (g) Any member ,,vhJ~ has an interest b a governmental agency or unit or private nonprofit <br /> agency which is apptyin~for a State- County Criminal Justice PartnersMp Act grant or which <br /> has received a grant ari{l which is the subject of an inquiry or vote by a grant oversight <br />· committee shall pubticly$isclose that interest on the record and s~all take no part in discussion <br /> or have .airy vote in reg~,$rd to any matter directly affecting that l~articular ~rant aoolicant or <br /> g. rantee. "Interest" in a ~ant applicant or grantee shall mean a for'mai and di'~ect co~n'nection to <br /> tt'te entity, including, buti~not limited to, employment, partnership, serving as an elected official, <br /> board member, director, officer or trustee, or being an immediate family member of someone· <br /> who has such a connectic to the grant applicant or grantee. <br /> <br /> (h) The board or b{ <br />appropriations to the cou~ <br /> <br />(1993, c. 534, s. 1. <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. - The nun <br />Ses.sion Laws t993. c. 534, s. <br /> ~ 143B-273.11. Cou <br />duties. <br /> <br /> The County Crirnina. <br />m~d duties: <br /> <br /> (1) To participate in <br />The purpose of tJais plann <br /> <br /> a. Examine the local <br /> b. Identify problem ~ <br /> c. Identity offender g~ <br /> d. Propose strategies <br /> <br />(c) 1944.1997 by Michie. ,~ divbion <br /> <br />[rds of county commissioners shah provide necessary assistance and <br />ty board established for that county or counties <br /> <br />~er of tiff.,} ze~tion was assigned by the R~vi.~or of Stamtez, ~e number <br />havh~g been ] 143B-272. I0. <br /> <br />ty Criminal Justice, Partnership Advisory Boards; powers and <br /> <br />Justice Partnership Advisory Board shall have the following powers <br /> <br />[ plamting process to develop a Community-Based Corrections Plan. <br />t~g process is to: <br /> <br />rirninal justice system; <br /> <br />)ups for programs; <br /> <br />>r improving the local criminal justice system <br /> <br />teed El~evler Inc., and Reed l:..bevler l~rop~rties Inc. All l[ighls Reserv~ <br /> <br /> <br />