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., 10 <br /> <br /> e. Identify 'a specific community-based program that is needed; <br /> f. Plan a m~thod for h~tegrating the needed community-based program into the existing local <br />criminal justice system; <br /> <br /> g. Develop criteria for evaluating the impact of the community-based program; am <br /> <br /> h. hnprove coordination at the local level between State and county community-based <br />corrections programs. <br /> <br /> (2) To submit the plan to the boards of county commissioners for approval within one year <br />of the last appointment to the county board. This plan shall include all of the elements required <br />by this section. <br /> <br /> (3) To review and revise the plan and make a formal recommendation to the board or bo/rds <br />of county commissioners at least annually concerrfing the plan and its implementation an~ <br />operation duri~g the ensuing year. · <br /> <br /> (4) To monitor and evaluate the impact of the community-based corrections program and <br />prepare a written report. <br /> <br />(1993, c. 534, s. <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. - The number of this section was assigned by the Revi~or of Statutes, the number in <br />Session Laws 1993, c. 534, s. i, havh~g been ~' 143B-272.11. <br /> ~ 143B-273.12. ConLmmfity-Based Corrections Plan. <br /> <br /> (a) The Community-Based Corrections PLan shall include the following: <br /> (I) A flowchart of the criminal justice system which describes processing steps from the <br />point of arrest through conviction, to post-release supervision after completing an active <br />sentence of imprisonment. The flowchart shall identify all decision points, decision makers and <br />op lions; <br /> <br /> (2) Number and rate of arrest, convictions, admissions to probation, jail, <br />post-release supervision; <br /> (3) Arrest practices aM dat~, h~cluding the use of citations' <br /> (4) <br /> (5) <br /> (6) <br /> (7) <br /> (8) <br /> <br /> (9) Existing. State and county community-based corrections programs (pretrial, sentenced, <br />and post-release) including target population, program activities, profile of offenders entering <br />and released from the programs, length of stay, and completion rates <br /> <br />prison, and <br /> <br />Pretrial release practices and data oh type of release and bond mounts <br /> <br />Procedures for assignment of indigent counsel; <br /> <br />Court procedures for reducing bond mounts; <br /> <br />Jail capacity and population data by type of offender; <br /> <br />The jail population by type of offender, type of offenses, and average length of stay <br /> <br />(c) t944-1997 by Michi~, a division orR,cd Et~vi,~r Inc., and R,~ Ela~'vi~r Properties Inc. All Rights <br /> <br /> <br />