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elderl3i or disabled family member in the home to remain there while <br /> the W4rk First recipient participates in work-related activities. <br />b. ProviZ. on: This service would be provided in the home of the Work <br /> First r4cipient by a qualified in-home aide, paid for fi-om Work First <br /> funds. <br />c. Locat!on: The home of the Work First recipient would be the service <br /> location for in-home aide services. <br /> <br />7. Personal lind Family Counseling <br /> a. Descr~tion: In our ongoing battle to deal with family violence, the <br /> Work _.First social workers are encountering increasing numbers of <br /> recipi~_, ts who are victims of domestic violence. In some cases, this <br /> has be4xt the norm in the household for an extended period of time, and <br /> it has lJeen determined that professional help is needed to assist in <br /> dealinl~ with the issues stm'ounding the problem. There is a need to <br /> refer rd. professional organizations for counseling. <br /> b. Provis!on: The provision of the counseling services would be <br /> provided by Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare and United Family <br /> Services. Both agencies deal with personal and family counseling. <br /> c. Locat~n: Both service delivery sites are in relatively close proximity <br /> to DS~ Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare is in the same human service <br /> complex and United Family Services is only a few miles away in <br /> Concord. <br /> <br />8. Individuai and Family Adjustment <br /> a. Descril~tion: In some instances, there may be occasion to refer a Work <br /> First recipient to the Crisis unit for the provision of Individual and <br /> Family ~djustment Services. There may be obstacles or barriers in the <br /> home t~at require the expertise of social workers who deal with these <br /> kind of issues. These issues can include household management, <br /> consurr~r affairs, family life, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental <br /> retardation, emotional disturbances, and school-related problems. <br /> b. Provisi~, n: For the most part, provision of these services will be <br /> provide~l~ by social work staffin the Crisis Unit. In situations where <br /> there ar~ emotional disturbances or possible mental illness issues, <br /> recipiedts will be referred to Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare for <br /> service~. <br /> c. LocatiOn: Normally, services would be provided in the DSS office, <br /> with ret~rral to other agencies. <br /> <br />9. Day Care for Adults <br /> a. Description: Just as in the description for "In Home Aides", the <br /> population is getting older, and in some instances the primary barrier <br /> to worl~ could be the need to stay with an older family member who <br /> resides,:with the Work First recipient. Adult Day Care is an excellent <br /> servicei.:to relieve caregiver stress. It has been used in Cabarms <br /> <br /> <br />