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be <br /> <br />Ce <br /> <br />County for a number of years to allow families to work, and the Work <br />First population is increasingly beginning to mirror the general <br />population in the County. <br />Provision: This service would be provided at a certified adult day <br />care center in the county. <br />Location: Presently Coltrane LIFE Center in Concord is the only <br />certified adult day care center in the county. <br /> <br />10. Counseling and Problem Solving: <br /> a. Description: This is a supportive service provided by the Work First <br /> social workers to assist recipients in the movement toward <br /> independence. It consists of dealing with enhancing their abilities to <br /> solve their own problems, make their own decisions, eliminate the <br /> barriers that they face, and build on their own strengths. <br /> b. Provision: This service will be provided by the Work First social <br /> work staff. <br /> c. Location: In most instances, the service will be provided either at <br /> DSS or in the recipients home. <br /> <br />11. Advocacy <br /> a. Description: <br /> <br />be <br /> <br /> There have consistently been problems with Work First <br />families either making bad choices or allowing landlords or collectors <br />to place them in a position of having to either vacate a residence or <br />give up some possession. It is extremely difficult to get stabilized <br />when this is the usual scenario that occurs whenever a recipient has to <br />move or purchases a household item or car. It may be that timeliness <br />of purchases is at the heart of the issue. The recipient is usually in a <br />crisis mode and makes bad first choices. Advocacy is a most <br />appropriate and quite possibly one of the most beneficial services that <br />can be provided by the social workers. It will assist them in accessing <br />appropriate services in a timely manner, ensure that they have access to <br />the highest quality of service as well as fair and equal treatment, and <br />assist them in learning to advocate for themselves. Advocating for <br />themselves is probably the most beneficial thing for them that they can <br />learn. <br />Provision: The service is provided by the Work First social work staff. <br />Location: In most cases, the service will be provided at DSS. In some <br />instances it could be at the location of a debt that is owed. <br /> <br />Administration <br /> <br />A. Authority <br /> Cabarrus County will be a Standard County for Work First Employment <br /> Services, as decided by the Board of Commissioners at its September 19, 2002 <br /> meeting. The Cabarms County Board of Commissioners has delegated the <br /> authority to operate the program to the Director of the Department of Social <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br /> <br />