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11) <br /> <br />The staffs of the COUNTY and WSACC agree to conduct a joint walk-through or <br />inspection of a non-domestic discharger prior to severing the power and/or water service to <br />prevent any adverse impacts on the sanitary sewer system, treatment plants, or <br />environment. <br /> <br />Section B- Surcharge Program <br /> <br />WSACC shall include in the Sewer Use Ordinance the allowable treatment plant influent design <br />discharge limits for BOD, COD, TSS and NH3. Provided the Rocky River Regional Wastewater <br />Treatment Plant and Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant have adequate capacity and the <br />capability to comply with tl~eir NPDES Permit, a non-domestic discharger will be permitted to <br />discharge in excess of the design limits provided a surcharge is paid and there is no adverse impact <br />on the treatment plant or their operation. <br /> <br />Section C~ Compensation <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />2) <br /> <br />3) <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />WSACC will establish the basis for a Surcharge Rate Structure uniform throughout <br />WSACC's service area and the COUNTY and consistent with current state and federal <br />regulations. WSACC will review and update the surcharge rate as necessary to comply with <br />the ordinance and to recover all the cost incurred by the excess loadings (e.g. Surcharge <br />Fees). Any proposed changes and modifications to the Surcharge Rate Structure will be <br />reviewed with the COUNTY before adoption. <br /> <br />WSACC will include in and as a separate part of the Surcharge Rate Schedule Program, a <br />Rate Schedule that shall recover the cost for administering and monitoring of the <br />Pretreatment and Surcharge Programs (e.g. Program Fees and Sample Fees). <br /> <br />The Rate Schedules for the Pretreatment and Surcharge Programs, described in number 1 <br />and 2, shall be reviewed by WSACC annually to insure that each non-domestic source is <br />paying a reasonable fair share. Each industry or non-domestic user, subject to the <br />Pretreatment and Surcharge Programs shall be billed directly by WSACC. Bills are <br />payable within 20 days from the billing date. <br /> <br />To the extent the COUNTY possesses such records, the COUNTY agrees to provide the <br />Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator at the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment <br />Plant with monthly water consumption and wastewater metered data by the fourth (4~h) day <br />of each month for the previous month. The data will be used to calculate the monthly <br />Surcharge Billing for each non-domestic user subject to the Pretreatment and Surcharge <br />Programs, in accordance with WSACC's Sewer Use Ordinance. <br /> <br /> <br />