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CONTRACT PROCEDURES <br /> <br />ao <br /> <br />The Contrhct Administrator (appointed by the Finance Director) shall <br />maintain all original contracts. The Contract Administrator will assign <br />each new contract a Contract Control Number. <br /> <br />The Depadment Representative must complete a Contract Control <br />Sheet (see :-Exhibit "A") to accompany e ach contract as it is routed to <br />the Contract Administrator. Once the contract is signed and filed, a <br />copy will be returned to the department (Do not send contracts to the <br />party for a signature. The Contract Administrator will route contracts <br />to be signed) A copy of the contract control sheet will contain the <br />Contract ~ Number and note if the funds were encumbered. <br /> <br />Co <br /> <br />All contracts must be signed by the correct party; the Department Head, <br />County M __agager or Chairman of the Board of Commissioners unless <br />otherwise authorized by the t~ ....~,, <br /> ...... ~ ....... ~,,,~ Board of. Commissioners. <br /> <br />.Par~ <br />Department Head <br />County Manager <br />Chairman of BOC <br /> <br />Approval Levels <br />Up to $25,9~cu0~ 15.00~ <br />$25,~t3~I ~ to $100,000 <br />above $100,000 <br /> <br />If you are uiasure who should sign the contract, you may contact the <br />Contract Administrator. <br /> <br />CONTRACT CONTRO/j SHEET <br /> <br />The department entering i~o a contract must complete the "Department Se ction" of the <br />Contract Control Sheet in <br /> ............. e, m~':ez- and send it with the original contract(s) <br />to the Contract Administraior for processing. A copy of the Contract Control Sheet <br />will be returned to the depirtment after the contract has been processed. (Exhibit "A" <br />attached) <br /> <br />Contract must include insu~3.¢e certificates .with minimum limits as follows; <br /> <br />Cove.raise <br />Workers' Compensation <br />Employers' Liability. <br />General. Liability <br />Automobile Liabili .ty_.. <br />Profession_a! Liabili~ <br /> <br />Minimum Ljm!ts~ <br />$5.000,000 min{mum: S.tatutory Limits Preferred <br />$ 50o.0o _. <br />$1.000.000 per occurrence/$2.000.000 aggregate, <br />$!.ooo,000_ <br />$1,000,000 per occurrence/S2.000,000 aggrega_le~ <br /> <br /> <br />