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Employees working in any work other than a public safety, emergency response, or seasonal activity may not accrue more <br />than 240 hours of compensatory time. Once 240 hours have been accrued, the employee shall be paid for additional <br />overtime hours of work according to the provisions of Section 5 of the Wage and Hour Policy. <br /> <br /> ntyM <br />A department head may request and the Cou anager may reco.m~mend <br /> <br />apprc;,esapprove payment of overtime in lieu of compensatory time when determmed to be in the best interest o. f the <br />CounO, ,-p Payment shall be at the regular rate earned by the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. <br />Non-exempt employees who have accrued compensatory time shall, upon termination of employment, be paid for the <br />unused compensatory time at a rate of compensation equal to: <br /> (a) the average regular rate received by the employee during the last three years of the employee's employment, or <br /> (b) the final regular rate received by the employee, whichever is greater. <br /> <br />Any employee who has requested the use of accrued compensatory time off shall be permitted to use the time within a <br />reasonable period after the request, as long as such use does not unduly disrupt the operations of the public agency. Such <br />determination shall be based on the facts and circumstances of each individual case. <br /> <br />Any employee, nc ................ ~,excludmg emergency medical service and law enforcement personnel, who works on <br />holidays, Saturdays, or Sundays or before or after the normal working day but does not work over the established number <br />of hours for that work period because of holiday, annual leave or sick leave, may receive compensatory time off at an <br />hour-for-hour exchange. <br /> <br />Article 12. Appendix C, Wage and Hour Policy, Memorandum of Understandings - These are <br />two forms used to meet conditions of employment requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. <br />The recommended changes are attached are for continuity and to fit forms to a single page. <br /> <br />Other: Annual leave and vacation leave references throughout the Ordinance refer to the same <br />leave. Recommend changing them to "vacation leave" for continuity. <br /> <br />I request Board authorization of the proposed revisions to the Personnel Ordinance and approval to <br />implement the necessary housekeeping changes in the Ordinance for proper sequencing, <br />identifying, and accurate referencing. <br /> <br />I am available for any questions at (704) 920-2827. <br /> <br /> <br />