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Crime Scene Officer S~eriff <br />Detective Sjeriff <br />Deputy Chief S~eriff <br />Deputy Sheriff Syriff <br />Lieutenant Sl!eriff <br />Sergeant Slieriff <br />Training Lieutenant Slieriff <br /> <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br />B.A., Criminal Justice <br /> <br />Article III. Section 15. Reimb~rsement for Tuition - New section, moved from Article VI. Section <br />29 for more appropriate placern~, nt in the Ordinance. <br /> <br />A full time employee may receive reinlbursement for one (I) course at a time (including those taken outside of working <br />hours) which will better equip the emltloyee to perform assigned duties, subject to the approval of the depamnent head <br />and the County Manager. The county dhall reimburse the employee for tuition costs (up to $400), provided the employee <br />submits a receipt of tuition expenses al~d a notice of successful completion (passing grade or better) of the course from <br />institution accredited by the Southern Jkssociation of Colleges and Schools. <br /> <br />Article V. Section 6. Sexual I~rassment Policy - Change title to Unlawful Workplace <br />Harassment Policy and replace ~ith the policy approved at the May 5, 2002 meeting. <br /> <br />Article XI. Section 4. £ffectivb Date - Change to reflect approved revisions. <br /> <br />Section 4. Effective Date <br /> <br />This amended version of the Cabarrus ~ounty Personnel Ordinance shall become effective as of February 1, 1998 and <br />revised on October 16,2000 and April ~ I, 2003. <br /> <br />Article 12. Appendix C, Wage,and Hour Policy, Section 6. Compensatory Time - Requires <br />BOCC approval for payment of ~Vertime in lieu of compensatory time for accrued compensatory <br />time. The Board has previously ~authorized twice a year pay out of compensatory time to non <br />exempt employees with at least .~00 hours of vacation leave and over 50 hours of accrued <br />compensatory time. It also authorized the County Manager, at his discretion, to approve payment in <br />the event of illness or other emergency of an employee. Board authorization is requested to revise <br />the Personnel Ordinance to allo~ the County Manager to approve payment of overtime in lieu of <br />accrued compensatory time wheh determined to be in the best interest of the County. This would <br />cover existing policy and the rev{Sed Ordinance would supercede previous polices. <br /> <br />SECTION 6. COMPENSATORY <br /> <br />Non-exempt employees shall receive c .~mpensatory time off, in lieu of overtime compensation, at a rate of not less than <br />one and one-half hours for each hour of~mployment under which the overtime compensation is earned. Compensatory <br />time offmay be given only where the e~aployee has not accrued compensatory time offin excess of the prescribed limits <br />established by the Fair Labor Standards~ct. (see below) <br /> <br />A department head may require the sch~luled use of accrued compensatory time. <br /> <br /> <br />