Pretreatment Agreement between Cabarrus County and the Water and Sewer
<br />Authority of Cabarrus County for a period ending December 31, 2023, and
<br />authorized the Interim County Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of
<br />Cabarrus County.
<br />
<br />(E-9) Authorizat£on to Award Service Weapons and Bad,es to Captain John M.
<br />Roberts and Sergeant Ron W. Beaver on their Retirement from the Sheriff's
<br />
<br />Department
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Prlvette, seconded by Vice Chairman Suggs
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board, pursuant to North Carolina General
<br />Statute 20-187.2, declared surplus and authorized the award of the service
<br />weapons and badges for the price of $1.00 to the following officers on their
<br />retirement from the Sheriff's Department on May 1, 2003:
<br />
<br /> John M. Roberts - Smith & Wesson, 9MM, Model: 5906; Serial Number:
<br /> TEC 5066
<br /> Ronald W. Beaver - Smith & Wesson, 9MM, Model: 5906, Serial Number:
<br /> TEM 1898
<br />
<br />(E-10) Approval of Land Purchase for W~denin~ of Midland Road Required for
<br />the New Bathe1 Elementar~ School and A~raement to Advance Fund the Costs
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Prlvette, seconded by Vice Chairman Suggs
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request by the Cabarrus
<br />County Board of Education to purchase the following land easements to widen
<br />Midland Road in front of the new Bethel Elementary School and agreed for the
<br />County to advance fund the purchase and be reimbursed at the time the
<br />Certificates of Participation are sold.
<br />
<br /> Approximate Amount
<br /> Property Owner Acreage To be Paid
<br />Larry Norris .027 acre $ 264.00
<br />Larry Hartsell .168 acre $ 2,508.00
<br />James Estridge .369 acre $ 3,510.00
<br />JM Little Jr. & Others 1.069 acre $ 9,826.00
<br />James Bost .289 acre $ 14,500.00-
<br />TOTAL COST OF EASEMENTS $ 30,608.00
<br />
<br />*Includes relocation of modular home
<br />
<br />(E-12) Award of Contract ($234,247) to CM
<br />
<br />Black Construction for Renovations
<br />
<br />to the Historic Cabarrua County Courthouse
<br />
<br /> The following bids were received on April 10, 2003 for the renovations
<br />to the Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse.
<br />
<br /> Base A~d Add Add Add Add Add B~d
<br /> Name of Contractor Bad Alt. i Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt. 6 Bond
<br />Kannapolzs Construction $226,030 $8,941 $3,185 $14,507 $1,314 $7.S39 $9,836 x
<br />Liles Construction Co $237,900 $4,470 $2,344 $ 8,800 $1,138 $4,980 $2,914 X
<br />CM Black Constr~ction Co $201,975 $6,864 $2,369 $11,652 $ 827 $5,936 $4,624 x
<br />progressxve Construction $314,300 $5,500 $1,600 $13,900 $1,400 $8,000 $6,200 X
<br />TK Browne Construction Co $230,359$7,855 $3,824 $14,689 $1,445 $7,617 $4,938 X
<br />
<br />Alternate NO. i - Replace ceramxc tile floor and Wainscot in Men 115andWomen 116
<br />Alteruate No 2 - All work shown on Drawings in Women 201
<br />
<br />Alternate No. 3 - Furnish and install storm panel on windows on 2~ and 3~ floor wzndows where
<br /> designated wxth W2 on Drawing A3
<br />Alternate No. 4 - F~rnleh and xnstall Kraft Face, 6" thick, R-19 fiberglass insulation between
<br /> joists of third floor framing
<br />Alternate NO $ - Furnxeh and install storm panel windows on 1't floor windows where designated
<br /> with W1 on Drawing ;t2
<br />Alternate No. 6 - All work assocxated with enclosing Stair 'B", leading to attic
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Vice Chairman Suggs
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved a contract for renovations to the
<br />Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse with CM Black Construction Company, the
<br />low bidder, totaling $234,247.00, which included the base bid of $201,975.00
<br />and the six alternates, and authorized the Interim County Manager to execute
<br />the contract on behalf of Cabarrus County.
<br />
<br />(E-13) Approval of Personnel Ordinance Revisions
<br />
<br /> The Board received two memorandums from Don Cummings, Human Resources
<br />Director, with recommended revisions to the Personnel Ordinance. One
<br />addressed equitable employee leave accruals in conjunction with the Sheriff
<br />Department schedule change approved at the March meeting. The second memo
<br />included recommendations to reflect existing policy and regulation changes,
<br />clarifications and referencing.
<br />
<br />
<br />