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program. System Manal~er will conduct observations to determine educational materials <br />that are needed to obtain ~ high star rating. Educational materials will be purchased in <br />the line items including: i <br /> <br />Storage- $6,000. i Items will include: storage carts, portable wooden storage <br />cabinets with containers l[or organization, and cubbies for children to put their coats and <br /> <br />book bags in. ~ <br /> <br />Manipulative/MI th/Block Centers - $5,000. Purchases will include Legos, <br />K'Nex, different styles ax d shapes of blocks, educatioffal games to assist with number <br /> <br /> and letter recognition, <br /> va~ous board games to assist with math. <br /> <br /> Scienee/Diseove~ - $4,000. Purchases will include: learning resource books, <br /> microscopes, magnet kitsi telescopes, butterfly pavilion kit, various educational ~cience <br /> and weather kits. <br /> <br /> Dramatic Play/M~u~ sic - $6,000. Multieulmml dolls, career dress-up clothes, <br />multi-ethnic family pupp,s, kitchen set, foods of many lands, multi-cultural rhythm set, <br />various tapes and ed's including classical and multicultural. <br /> <br /> Creative Arts - Si,000. Resource books, scissors, paint brushes, paint sponges, <br />art easels, pottery wheel, ~.lay & ceramic tool accessories, bulletin boards and art carts. <br /> <br /> Language Arts/S4eial Studies - $4,000. Age appropriate reading books <br />(including classical booksi chapter books, picture books and books on tape). Learning <br />games, writ~g center wi~ books and resources, globes, and thematic units. <br /> <br /> Outdoor Play - $~,000. Items will include ball sets, portable storage carts, <br />resource books, parachut4, and cooperative play items. <br /> <br /> <br />