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2003-04 Availability Grant <br />Need Statement <br /> <br /> Imagine a center ~hat is willing to go the extra mile and put quality and the <br /> wellbeing of children fir~., Cabarrus County has been waiting for a center that will offer <br />school-age children this t~pe of environment. This "at home" environment is very much <br />needed in Cabarrus Count_. This is the type of center that will excite children and will <br />look forward to coming e~ery day. The "at home" atmosphere will be so rewarding to <br />children in the afternoon. ~ddmg afterschool care in such a populated area will be very <br />beneficial for Cabarrus Ctunty. It is convenient for parents, especially those that have <br />younger siblings that attet[d Elite Day Care. The area around the center is conveniently <br />located near two major highways, a housing project, and an apartment complex next to <br />the center. Elite receives i~everal calls a week from parents looking for quality <br />afterschool care in the are~. <br /> The afterschool center is in need of educational supplies, age appropriate <br />furnishings, curriculum resources and staff training in order to become a quality licensed <br />afterschool center. <br /> <br /> Objectives <br /> <br /> · Start a new school~ge care program for the 2003-04 school year for 40 youth at <br /> Elite Child Development Center. <br /> <br /> · Receive a tempora~y.~ license by June 6, 2003 and a star rated license by January <br /> <br /> 2004. t. <br /> <br /> <br />