Laserfiche WebLink
CABARRUS COUNTY <br />TECHNOLOGY APPROPRIATE USE POLICY (cont'd.) <br /> <br />The Internet provides easy access to software distributed by companies on a trial basis. <br />The free access does not indicate that the software is free or that it may be distributed <br />freely. Applicable software copyright laws must be followed. In addition, software may <br />not be loaded onto any County computer system through any method without prior <br />approval of Cabarrus County iTS/. T.S. Department. This includes shareware, freeware, <br />personal software or Internet distributed programs. <br />Appropriate Use: At all times when an employee is using Cabarrus County technology <br />resources, he or she is representing the County. Use the same good judgment in all <br />resource use that you would use in written correspondence or in determining <br />appropriate conduct. Appropriate use of a particular resource will be discussed as a <br />part of the training for its use. <br /> <br /> While in the performance of work-related functions, while on the job, or while using <br /> publicly owned or publicly provided technology resources, Cabarrus County employees <br /> are expected to use them responsibly and professionally. They shall make no <br /> intentional use of these resources in an illegal, malicious, inappropriate or obscene <br /> manner. Each Internet capable workstation will be configured to allow the screening <br /> and review of sites visited on the Internet. <br /> When sending or forwarding e-mail, either internally or externally, all employees shall <br /> identify themselves clearly and accurately. Ori~inatin.q or forwarding A_anonymous or <br /> pseudonymous ~"~°~""' communications in any form or manner is expressly forbidden. <br /> Web pages: In order to maintain a consistent, quality presence on the Internet, County <br /> departments interested in developing content for the Internet should coordinate and <br /> receive approval from iTS/. T.S. before Internet information will be published. <br /> Information published on the Internet should be written in a clear and concise manner <br /> and presented in a graphically appealing format. Once information is published, it is the <br /> ongoing responsibility of the corresponding department to ensure the timeliness and <br /> accuracy of the content of its Web pages. Web page upgrades should be forwarded to <br /> !TSI. T.S. for review and publication. Each upgrade must include its source, aP~-the <br /> date at which it was current, and an electronic mail address allowing !TS~. T.S. to contact <br /> the staff responsible for making the information available in its then current form. <br /> Links to other web sites will be at the discretion of Cabarrus County. Links to Non- <br /> government sites must meet predefined, mutually agreeable content guidelines. <br /> I have read, understand, and agree to the above policy and am aware that <br /> additional administrative policy may a~plv to specific technolo_~ies: <br /> <br />Signed: <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />Rev. 12/~./0~.06/16/03 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />