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CABARRUS COUNTY <br />TECHNOLOGY APPROPRIATE USE POLICY (cont'd.) <br /> <br />At no time is-may any ~levice -,-* ...... '~ ~"' th'~ "'"""* ......... ~'~ by thc ITS <br />depe~/-t~be conn,_" cted to the County's voice or data network, or to any County <br />telephone, computer, dtr. other information technoloqy device without the prior approval <br />~' ....... +~""~-'~ ...~. ~.. ..... t/v..of the Director or Assistant Director of the County-~ <br />!TSI. T.S. department. ~' <br /> <br />Personal Use: Personal use of a County owned technology resource by County <br />employees is allowed ~ith the following restrictions. <br /> <br />Employees sho[lld be aware that personal use of a County owned technology <br />resource is still Subject to all of the rules in this policy including inspection and <br />monitoring. ~. <br />There must be do cost to the County. <br />Use must be conducted on an employee's own time. However, personal <br />telephone calls ~)n non-cellular phones or personal use of e-mail on an <br />occasional basi~J may be permitted providing that they do not interfere with a <br />County employee's obligation to carry out County duties in a timely and effective <br />manner. <br />Use must not inlerfere with other employees performing their jobs or undermine <br />the use of Couniy resources for official purposes. <br />Use of the County's technology resources for operating a personal business of <br />any kind is proh~ited. <br />Some technology/resources such as cellular phones are billed from the first <br />minute of use (b~th local and long distance). Charges for personal use that <br />exceed the stan{ard monthly fee must be reimbursed to the County. <br />Individuals who ..are not employees of Cabarrus County (including an employee's <br />family or friendsi are not allowed to use the County's technology resources other <br />than public access stations. <br />Personal use of County resources by an employee neither expresses nor implies <br />sponsorship or dndorsement by Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Security: Each employee is responsible for all actions taken while using his/her user <br />profile, password, or actcess code. Therefore, none of these are allowed to be shared <br />with anyone else (inclu~llng other employees of Cabarrus County), at any time. They <br />must not be written down and stored, posted anywhere, programmed into a macro or <br />stored on the computer{system in an unencrypted form. <br /> <br />Except as provided elsewhere in this policy the examination, modification, copying, or <br />deletion of files and/or (~ata belonging to other employees without their prior consent is <br />prohibited. <br /> <br />Any file, program, or dol:ument received on media (diskettes, CD-ROM, or tapes), <br />through the Internet (inCluding e-mail) or through file transfer must be virus checked <br />immediately. E-mail m~ssages containing an executable attachment should not be <br />opened. This is to prevbnt viruses from infecting the County's entire network. Each <br />individual employee is r~sponsible for the prevention of the spread of viruses. <br />Rev, !2/3 !/0!06/16/03 Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />