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NORTH CAROLINA <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> NO 761 July 2, 2003 <br /> NOTICE OF PUBLIC <br /> HEARING AND ORDER <br /> AUTHORIZING <br /> ' ~':. $69,610,000 <br /> : REFUNDING BONDS <br /> BE' IT ORDERED by. the <br /> Board of Comm~ssioners for <br /> fha' Counly -of Cabanas,. No~ <br /> Caroline: . ~ <br /> <br />' f. That, pumuant to '~ The <br />Local Government Bond Act, <br />as' amended, the Count~ of <br />Cahanas, North Carolina, is <br />hereby aulhonz~ to contract <br />a debt, ~n addition to, any and <br />all other debt which said Court- ' <br />ty may now or hereafter have <br />power or authority to contracl, <br />and m e~dence thereof, to ~s- <br />sue Refunding 8onds ~n an ag- <br />gregate principal amount'mot <br />exceeding $69,610,000, for <br />the purpose, of providing <br />funds, together w~ ,any'other'; <br />avadable, funds, for (I) re-' <br />funding all or a pot~on of the <br />following outstanding general <br />yb:~ligaaon bonds of safd Coun- <br /> <br />7047899157 <br /> <br />$8s250,000 Water Bonds Se- <br />nas 1992, dated Apdl '1, 4992 <br />and stated to mature on Apnl <br />1, 2004 to April 1, 2012, Inclu- <br />sive, . - , <br />$14,095,00'0 'Refund~.n~ <br />Bonds, Sones 1993 Cted N~ <br />vember 1, 1993 and sis{ed to' <br />mature, on' March 1 2004 to, <br />March 1, 2010, Incluave, and; ; <br />$38800000 Scho¢,: Bonds, <br />S~as 1997, deted~'Februa~ <br />1, 1994 a~d stated' to fnature <br />on February 1, 2004 to Febru- <br />ap 1, 2018, snclus~ve; -...' <br />and (i~) paying .expenses relat- <br />ed thereto - <br />2 That taxes sl~all, b~ lewed <br />an amount sufficient to pay <br />the pnnctp~J.~of, and the inter- <br />est on said Refunding Bon.cls <br />3 That a sworn statement of <br />the debt. of. sa{d. County has <br />b~ri iliad wit~ thC'Clark t6'~e <br />'Board (iU Corflm~ss~0ners ' ~,nd <br />is o~en t(~ publl~ ~n.s. pec~t~on <br />4, That this ord~r';~hall ta~e ef- <br />fect upon its ad,rico,. <br />The forego~0g ,ord&r has b~en <br />intr~used, ired a ~swom state- <br />ment of debt. has been flied un- <br />der The L~,al ' Government <br />Bond Act showlhg the apprais- <br />ed value ~1 the County of <br />Cabanas, North ~-Carolina, to <br />be ~$11,269,970;000 and the <br />net debt' therebf, i0cluding, the <br />proposed bonds;, to ,'be <br />$144,579,85~.88,. A tax ~l¢,be <br />levied to pay th~. pnr~tpal of-' <br />and interest on the bonds ~f~ <br />they are' Issued Anyone <br />wishes tO be heard on'~the <br />questions of the validity of the <br />bond on:let and the' advisabili- <br />ty of issufng the bonds may'~p.. <br />pear at'a publlc.heanng or an <br />adjournment thereof to. be <br />held by the Board of, Comm~s- <br />s[onem of said County at its <br />regular meeting at 6 30pm on <br />July 21, 2003 ~n the-commas-~ <br />s~oners' MeCng Room ~n the! <br />Cabarrus County. Govemment-~. <br />al Center in Concord, 'North~ <br />Carolina, <br />Frankie F. Bonds <br />Clerk to the Board of <br />Commissioners <br />Cabanas County, <br />North Carolina ~ <br /> <br />INDEPENDEN' <br /> <br /> The [ndependent Tribun <br /> On this, the_ ~'~'~-'~_. . day ol <br /> <br />of -'i'he INDEPENDENT TRIBUf <br />advertisement was duly i~s~rl <br />following datem <br /> <br />and was published therein for <br /> <br />TRIBUNE <br /> <br />PAGE <br /> <br />IE, certifies that the annexed <br />ed In the paper on the <br /> <br />_ ' 1 weeks. The <br /> <br />l:otal cost (~f advertisemen $. (2"/, ' ... <br /> <br />S, .ed &) ..,-O <br /> <br />02 <br /> <br /> <br />