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I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />81/21/2882 16:25 784-788-8858 HARTSELL & WHITE PAGE 83 <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />CABARKUS coUNTy <br /> <br />LEASE AGR. EIEMBNT <br /> <br /> THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, exeCUted this the ~ day of ,2002, by and between THE <br />CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, a local school administrative unit, whose marling address <br />is P.O. BOX 388, Concord, Nort~ Carolina 28026, hereinaiter called "Landlord" and THE CITY OF <br />CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, a municipality, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 308, Concord, North <br />Carolina 28026 (hereinatter called "Tenant"): <br /> <br />WI TNE S SE TH:that- <br /> <br /> In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinalter set forth, the Landlord does hereby <br />lease and demise unto the Tenant and T~nant hereby a,¢epts and leases from the Landlord, for the term <br />h.ereinaiter specified, the following described real property (hereinatter sometimes referred to as the "Demised <br />Prealises"): <br /> <br /> Situate in No. 5 ToWnship, Couuty of Cabarms, State ~fNorth Carolina, and lying on the north side of <br />North Carolina Highway 73 and being par~ of that 103.404 acre tract o£Iand as conveyed by deed to Cabanus <br />County Board of Education as recorded in Deed Book 754, Page 24 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, <br />surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Cabarrus County Recorders Office, unless noted otherwise) and being <br />more particularly bounded and described as follows: <br /> <br />C°mmeneing for reference at ~he southeast corner of said Cabarrus County Board of Education 103.404 acre <br />zract, said corner being on the northern edge of NOrth Carolina Highw~tY 73; <br /> <br />thence along the northern edge of said North CaroliIaa Highway 73, North eighty-eight degrees three niinutes <br />forty-six seconds West (N88°03'46"W) for two hundred four and 50/100 feet (204.50') to the TRUE POINT <br />OF BEGINNING oftkis herein described land; <br /> <br />thence continuing along the northern edge of North Carolina Highway 73, North eighty-eight degrees three <br />minutes forty-six seconds West (NgS°03'46"W) for one hundred eighty-five and 79/100 feet (185.79'); <br /> <br />thence over said Cai)amis County Board of Education 103.404 acre tract, North one degree fiity-six minutes <br />fourteen seconds East '(NO 15 6'14"E) for ninety-eight and 28/100 feet (98.28') to the southern line of an existing <br />Southern Bell Telephone easement as recorded in Deed Book 780, Page 123; <br /> <br />thence along the southern line of said existing easement, North fiity-five degrees thirteen minutes eight~n <br />seconds East (N55°13'IS"E) for one hundred eighty-one and 22/100 feet (181.22'); <br /> <br />thence departing s~id existing easement and continuing over said Cabarrus County Board of Education 103.404 <br />acre tract, South nine degrees nine minutes thirty-five seconds East (S09°09'35"E) for two hundred ten and <br />56/100 feet (2.],0.56') to the TRt/E POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 605/1000 (0.605) acres. <br />more or less, subject however to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, and easements contained in <br /> <br /> <br />