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3. DESIGNATION OF CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS FROM EACH MEMBER UNIT OF <br /> GOVERNMENT <br /> <br />Each member unit of government designates as chief elected official for Workforce Investment <br />Act, NCETGP, and Welfare-to-Work purposes, upon whose representations the .State, the <br />Workforce Development Board, the administrative entity and the other member units may rely, <br />the duly elected Chairman of each respective County Board of Commissioners. If any county <br />member of the consortium desires, it may designate any member of its Board as its "Chief <br />Elected Official" for WIA, NCETGP, and WtW purposes, in lieu of having its Chairman serve in <br />such capacity. Unless otherwise notified of such designation of another member of its Board, <br />each county shall be deemed to have designated its Chairman as its "Chief Elected Official" for <br />WI.A, NCETGP, and WtW purposes. Such person shall be the signatory of this agreement and <br />shall be authorized to execute such other agreements as are necessary for Workforce Investment <br />Act purposes, North Carolina Employment and Training Grant purposes, and for purposes of the <br />Welfare-to-Work Grant provisions at Title IV, Part A of the Social Security Act (P. L. 74-271), <br />as amended. <br /> <br />4. DESIGNATION OF CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL FOR WORKFORCE INVESTMENT <br /> AREA <br /> <br />In accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 160A-463(b), the Chairmen (or their designee) of the <br />Boards of Commissioners of the undersigned units of local government shall annually elect one <br />of their number by a vote to serve as Chairman of the Centralina Workforce Development <br />Consortium for a one year term. The Chairman of the Centralina Workforce Development <br />Consortium shall be authorized to represent the Consortium and to act on behalf of the. <br />undersigned units of' local government with respect to any matters adopted or passed by the <br />Consortium and shall be authorized to exercise the functions of the Centralina Workforce <br />Investment Area chief elected official which are required under the Workforce Investment Act, <br />the North Carolina Employment and Training Grant Program, and the Welfare-to-Work Grant: <br /> <br />ARTICLE IV. DURATION <br /> <br />In accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 160A-464(2), this agreement shall become effective on the <br />date of the last chief elected official's signature and shall continue in effect until the Local <br />Workforce Investment Area is re-designated by the Governor of North Carolina or by termination <br />of this Agreement by a member unit of government as provided for in Article XI. <br /> <br />ARTICLE V, ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS <br /> <br />The member units will comply with the requirements of the Workforce Investment Act, the <br />requirements of the Welfare-to-Work Grant provided for at Title IV, part A of the Social' Security <br />Act, as amended, as well as requirements of the North Carolina Employment and Training Grant <br />provided at G.S. 143B-438.6, and regulations promulgated thereunder, all other applicable <br />federal regulations, the statutes.of the State of North Carolina, and written directives and <br /> <br /> <br />