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instructions relevant to Workforce Investment Area operation from the Governor of North <br />Carolina or his/her designee. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VI. FINANCING/LIABILITY <br /> <br />In' accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 160A-464(5), it is anticipated that funding necessary to <br />implement this agreement shall be derived from federal grant and/or state funds received through <br />the Governor. In the event it is necessary to appropriate non-federal funds for the purpose of <br />implementing this agreement, the parties agree, as between themselves, that the state fair share <br />allocation formula shall be used. <br /> <br />The undersigned units of local government hereby acknowledge that they are jointly and <br />severally accountable for liabilities arising out of activities under the Workforce Investment Act, <br />the Welfare-to-Work Grant, and the North Carolina Employment and Training Grant, and for all <br />funds received by the Workforce Investment Area grant recipient pursuant to WIA, the Welfare- <br />to-Work Grant, and the North Carolina Employment and Training Grant. Liability includes, but <br />is not limited to, responsibility for prompt repayment from nonprogram funds of any <br />misexpenditures by the administrative entity of the Local Workforce Investment Area, or any of <br />its subrecipients or contractors, or the Workforce Development Board. As between the <br />consortium members themselves, liability shall be apportioned in the following manner: (a) to <br />the extent that a particular county benefits from costs disallowed (e.g. an ineligible participant <br />from a particular county received training, the' cost of which is subsequently disallowed) that <br />county may be liable for those disallowed costs; (b) any disallowed cost for which the benefiting <br />county cannot be determined shall be divided equally among the undersigned units of local <br />government. <br /> <br />Any entity or joint agency created or designated by this Local Workforce Investment Area, <br />including the Workforce Development Board (WDB), and Administrative Entity shall be <br />considered a public agency for the purposes of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control <br />Act. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VII. <br /> <br />ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTRALINA WORKFORCE <br />DEVELOPMENT BOARD (WDB) <br /> <br />A. Upon designation by the Governor of North Carolina of the Centralina area as a local <br />workforce investment area, the Chairmen of the Boards of County Commissioners of each of the <br />undersigned units .of local government shall certify that the current Centralina Workforce <br />Development Board (hereinafter Centralina WDB) as such entity is defined in Section 117 of the <br />WIA and Sections 102 and 103 of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and accompanying <br />regulatiOns and in accordance with the State of North Carolina Executive Order 90 (December, <br />1995) ,will serve as the region's workforce inVestment board. The members of the Centralina <br />WDB are to be selected in accordance with the nominating process and representative scheme set <br />forth in Section 117 of the WIA and Section 102 of the JTPA. <br /> <br /> <br />