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North Carolina in one of only 8 states requiring local governments to participate in a share of MEDICAID costs. If <br />MEDICAID is not brought under control or if the state does not assume total financial responsibility for its funding, <br />MEDICAID will become one of the county's largest single fiscal obligations. <br /> <br />The State sets the parameters for most social service programs delivered by the county's Department of Social <br />Services. FY02 saw reductions to staffing and community programming. FY03 staff'mg levels and programs <br />expenditure estimates are based upon guidance given to the county which has historically been wrong. In other words, <br />only if state estimates are accurate will the proposed allocations contained 'in the FY03 budget be consistent with <br />expected outcomes. In total, the County's financial obligation to the delivery of social service programs represents 11. <br />cents of the county's 56 cent tax rate <br /> <br />7. Mental Health Services - Proposed State Legislative Changes / Impacts <br /> <br />Legislative actions in 2002 intended to update mental health programs were enacted without a clear understanding of <br />how, when or who will pay being established. State agencies, advocacy groups, involved professionals and county <br />governments are sorting through the details. At this time, nothing is certain, except that more local authority will carry <br />greater financial responsibility. Allocations to the local mental health agency in the FY03 budget do not reflect any <br />change to the current cost sharing arrangements long in place. This issue will assume greater importance in FY03 and <br />beyond. <br /> <br />8. Employee Related Issues <br /> <br />The budget contains a 1.5% CPI adjustment to county staffing payroll. County employees are being called upon to do <br />more with less. Keeping employee compensation competitive ensures that the best individuals will continue to see <br />Cabarms County as a desirable place to work. <br /> <br />FY02 saw a Reduction in Force (RIF) within the Department of Social Services. Due to factors beyond the county's <br />control and local economic conditions that did not meet expectations, tough decisions had to be made. The direct <br />impact on individuals was minimized but people were released county employment. We hope to avoid such <br />action in FY03 by staffing at reduced levels and tying expenses to designated revenues. <br /> <br />Reorganization involving four differentI county departments (EMS, Aging, Development and Planning Services) is <br />contained within the FY03 budget. Shifting staff and position responsibilities among several county departments <br />creates a new department of Public Safety Services to replace the department of Development Services. These issues <br />are addressed more thoroughly within department budget descriptions. <br /> <br />New staffposition requests within other departments are minimal. <br /> <br />9. Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) <br /> <br />Elsewhere within the budget specific capital expenditures (those projects exceeding $100,000 in value) are identified <br />and a schedule addressed. For FY03, the CIP is minimal. Most projects not deemed essential to service delivery have <br />been deferred to later years. The funding is not available. <br /> <br />10. Non Assumption of Grant or Revenue Based Staffing <br /> <br />It is assumed that the county will NOT assume f'mancial obligations associated with any program or staft-mg <br />previously funded by federal, state grants or other third party sources. The county has taken advantage of those <br />resources to address needs not funded through county resources. Without identified new revenues the county can not <br />assume those financial obligations should the federal, state or third party funding cease. <br /> <br />I 1. Envision Cabarms <br /> <br />A joint effort among local governments, the chamber of commerce, business leaders and the citizens of Cabarrus <br />County has created the initial phase of a community-wide vision/goal setting process. Economic conditions may delay <br />implementation of some elements of the plan, but the various partners to the process are aligning their resources to <br />address the issues the community has established as important. <br /> <br /> <br />