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Private Sector representatives shall be selected from among individuals nominated by general purpose <br />business organizations in the county. The number of nominations shall be at least 150 percent of the <br />number of private sector individuals to be apPointed in the county. Such nominations, and the <br />individuals selected from such nominations, shall reasonably represent the industrial and demographic <br />composition of the business community. All private sector representatives must be active with their <br />company or business (non-retiree). Private sector representatives, who shall constitute a majority of <br />the membership of the WDB, shall be owners 0fbusiness concerns, chief executive officers, chief <br />operating officers, Or other private sector executives who have substantial management, recruitment, <br />hiring authority, or policymaking responsibility. Whenever possible, at least one-half of such business <br />and industry representatives shall be representatives of small business (500 or fewer employees), <br />including minority business. <br /> <br />Education representatives shall be selected from among individuals nominated by local educational <br />agencies, vocational education institutions, institutions of higher education, or'general organizations of <br />such agencies and institutions, and by private and proprietary schools or general organizations of such <br />schools in the county. <br /> <br />Labor repr, esentatives shall be selected from individuals recommended by recognized State and local <br />labor federations. <br /> <br />The remaining members of the WDB (Vocational Rehabilitation, Public Assistance, Economic <br />Development, and Public Employment Service) shall be selected from individuals recommended by <br />interested organizations. <br /> <br />Representatives of Organized Labor and Community-Based Organizations. (including organizations <br />representing individuals with disabilities and veterans) shall constitute not less than t 5 percent of the <br />membership of the board (total for all 7 Centralina WDB counties). <br /> <br />Responsibilities of a Member <br /> <br />The responsibilities of a WDB member are very similar to a member of any Board of Directors. The <br />overall responsibility is to use the member's knowledge, experience, .insight, and influence to help <br />achieve the purpose of the Board. For a responsive workforce system - the Board's mission - there are <br />several areas in which knowledge and insight are needed: <br /> <br />· What are the barriers faced by workers and jObs seekers in obtaining and maintaining <br /> employment that provides an adequate income? <br /> <br />What are the hiring requirements of employers who have employment opportunities, and what <br />challenges are being faced by employers in finding and retaining a sufficient number of skilled <br />workers to sustain and grow their businesses? <br /> <br />· What are effective strategies for bridging the skills gaps that exist between available wOrkers <br /> and employers? <br /> <br />· What are the resources that are available to help bridge existing skills gaps and other barriers? <br /> <br /> <br />