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PAGE 6 OF 12 <br /> <br />Medicaid, Food Stamps, AFDC, WlC, etc.) should be included when determining whether a <br />single audit is required. The contractor shall furnish the Department with a copy of the <br />independent audit report within 30 days of completion of the report, but no later than nine <br />months after the end of the audit period. <br /> <br /> Section' 8. Audit and Inspection. The Contractor shall permit and shall require its <br />contractors to permit the Department to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, and other data and <br />records with regard to the Project and to audit the books, records, and accounts of the <br />Contractor pertaining to the Project. <br /> <br /> The contractor shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and <br />such other evidence as may be appropriate to substantiate costs incurred under this <br />Agreement. Further, the contractor shall make such materials available at its office at all <br />reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from the date of final <br />payment under this Agi'eement, for inspection and audit by the Department's Fiscal Section. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Purchase of Proiect Equipment. The purchase of. all Project equipment <br />pursuant to this Agreement shall be undertaken in accordance with either of the options in this <br />section: <br /> <br /> (a) Purchase by the Department. The Department may act as the procurement agency <br />on behalf of the Project, purchasing equipment through the North Carolina Department of <br />Administration, Purchase and Contract Division. <br /> <br /> (b) Purchase by the Contractor. The Contractor, with the prior written approval of the <br />Department, may purchase Project equipment through a competitive bidding process. The <br />Contractor shall conduct the bidding process in accordance with the provisions of North <br />Carolina G.S. 143-129. The Contractor shall submit Project equipment specifications and bid <br />advertisements to the Department for review and approval prior to submission to prospective <br />bidders to assure that: <br /> <br /> (1) the Contractor has clearly and accurately described the technical <br /> requirements in the bid; <br /> <br /> <br />