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Additional Serdces which shall not exceed the time limits <br />contained in Paragraph 10.1 and shall include allowances for <br />periods of time required for the Owner's review and for <br />approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over <br />the Project. <br /> <br />Insert I: 4.1.1 The Date of Commencement shall be the date <br />of execution of this Agr_ eemenL The Desi_m~Builder shall <br />achieve Substantial Completion of the Work of this Part 1 <br />Agreement no later than July 24, 2002. and the entire Work <br />(including_ Part 2 Agreement) not later than June 2. 2003. See <br />Preliminary_ Schedule (Exhibit BI. attached and incorporated <br />herein. Time is of the essence of this A~r_ cement. <br /> <br /> If the Design/Builder is delayed in the performance of <br />services under this Part 1 Agreement through no fault of the <br />Design/Builder, any applicable schedule shall be equitably <br />adjusted. <br /> <br />Insert d: 4.2.1 Notwithstanding any language in the Contract <br />Documents to the contrary_, if the Desi_ma/Builder is delayed in <br />the pro~ess of the Work by any act or ne~ect of the Owner, <br />any of its employees or agents, or any separate contractor <br />employed by the Owner. or a change order, the Design/Builder <br />shall be ~anted a time extension and additional monetary <br />compensation for costs including extended ~neral conditions, <br />related direct costs and claims by third parties. For all other <br />causes of delay, an extension of time shall, be the <br />Desi_~ffBuildefs exclusive remedy and the Design/Builder <br />waives any right it may otherwise have to damages because of <br />such delays or disruptions of any nature whatsoever to all or <br />any part of the Work including but not limited to, any <br />acceleration Of all or any part of the Work. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 5 <br /> PAYMENTS <br /> <br />6.1 The initial payment provided in Article 9 shall be <br />made upon execution of this Part 1 Agreement and credited to <br />the Owner's account as provided in Subparagraph 9.1.2. <br /> <br />$.2 Subsequent payments for Basic Services, Additional <br />Services, and Reimbursable Expenses provided for in this Part <br />1 Agreement shall be made monthly on the basis set forth in <br />Article 9. For the final payment under this Part 1 Agreement. <br />the Desi_ma/Builder shall submit to the Owner a release and <br />waiver of Liens. <br /> <br />5.2:,1 The Owner will initially retain ten percent of each <br />progreas payment. At the time the Work is fifty percent <br />complete and thereafter, if the manner of completion of the <br />Work and its pro~ess is and remains satisfactory to the <br />Owner. the Owner will not withhold any additional retainage <br />for the remainder of the Work. If at any time the rnarmer of <br /> <br />completion of the Work or its pro_m-ess is not satisfactory t9 <br />the Owner. or for other good and sufficient reasons, the Owner <br />may reinstate the full ten percent retainage. <br /> <br />8.3 Within te, n (I 0) thirty (.30) days of the Owner's <br />receipt of a properly submitted and correct Apphcafion for <br />Payment, the Owner shall make payment to the <br />Design/Builder. <br /> <br />5.4 Payments due the Design/Builder under this Part 1 <br />Agreement which are not paid when due shall bear interest <br />from the date due at the rate specified in Paragraph 9.5, or in <br />the absence of a specified rate, at the legal rate prevailing <br />where the Project is located. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 6 <br /> DISPUTE RESOLUTION--MEDIATION <br /> AND ARBITRATION <br /> <br />[he pa,~i~s to *~.': s Pe,.~ ! A.~e,me:'2 ~isLng eat af ar re!~:mg tc <br /> <br />~ ~er ~d Dcsi~lder ~cc to put fo~ ~c~ best <br />cffo~ to resolve ~o~ally all dispu~s ~is~g ~dcr <br />rclst~g to the Con~t Doc~cnm or ~c ~oject. <br />~pu~ c~ot be resolved ~o~aUy. ~c ~er <br />Dcsi~uildcr ~cc to submit ~c dispute to mediation <br />· c a~piccs ~d ~cs of ~c Private ~ju~c~ion C~nt~r <br />"PAC"). ~. No~ C~olmm ~ a mcdi~to~ chosen <br />jointly, befor~ proccc~ to ~v o~er fo~ of ~sput~ <br />r~soludon. ~c mcdia~on s~ll bo held ~ Cab~ Co~, <br />North C~ol~a. ~css ~o~er location is mu~l~ <br />~n. ~ccmenm r~achcd ~ mc~ation s~l] be c~or~ab]c <br />~ seRl~t ~ccmcnm ~ ~v co~ ~n~ j~s~ction <br />~ercof. <br /> <br />Notwithstanding any lan_~uage in the Contract Documents to <br /> <br />© AIA DOCUMENT Al91 · OWNEK-DESIGN/BUK~ER. AGREEMENT · SECOND EDITION · AIA® · ©1996 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, <br />1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20006-5292 · WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal <br />prosecution.. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. <br /> <br /> Electronic Format A191 -1996 <br /> 9 <br /> <br /> <br />