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co~rected in accordance with Article 9. <br />Insert S; <br />3.2.9. t The Design/Builder warrants all Work performed <br />under the Contract Documents for a minimum period of <br />one (1) year from the date of Certificate of Substantial <br />Completion by the Owner as follows: (1) against all faulty <br />materials, and against all careless or unskilled <br />workmanship; (2) against damage by exposure to <br />foreseeable weather, and damage by intrusion .of <br />foreseeable wind. water and surface drainage; (3) <br />against defacements such as uncontrolled cracking, <br />· spalling, detamination and peeling of finish surfaces <br />such as concrete, unit .masonry, millwork, plaster and <br />glass and applied finishes such as paint and special <br />coatings: and (4) against injury, or deterioration with <br />proper and usual use. <br /> <br />Insert T: All warranties shall become effective <br />as of the date set forth in the Certificate of Substantial <br />Completion. <br /> <br />Insert U: The Design/Builder agrees to assign <br />to the Owner any and all manufacturers' warranties <br />relating to materials and labor used in the Work and <br /> <br />further agrees to perform the Work in such manner so <br />as to .~reserve any and all such manufacturers' <br />warranties. <br /> <br />3,2,10 The Design/Builder.shall Imy all sales, consumer, us~ <br />.and similar taxes which had be~n.legally enacted at the thne <br />the Design/Builder's Proposal was fust submitted to .the <br />Owner, and shall secure and pay for building and other permits <br />and governmental fc~s, lic~nse~ and/mpectionsnec~sary for <br />the proper execution and completion of the Work which are <br />either customarily secured after execution of a contract for <br />construction or are legally requked at the time the <br />Design/Builder's Proposal was first submitted to the Owner. _ <br />Unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance by the Owner, <br />Desi_m~Builder shall obtain and !my for all licenses and <br />perrnits that arc required for it to perform the Work. <br />Design/Builder shall be responsible for paving alt taxes, fees, <br />assessments and premiums of any kind payable on its <br />employees and operations and in connection with the Work. <br />The Desi_m~Buiider shall provide'the Owner monthly with it~ <br />Application for Payment certificates and othm' s _upporting data <br />as re _m~ired by the State of North Carolina to enable the Owner <br />to obtain sales and use tax refunds, which then shall be <br />reimbursed to the Desi_mu/Builder. <br /> <br />3.2~11 The Design/Builder shall comply with and g/ye <br />notices required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and <br />lawful orders of pubhc authorities relating to the Project. The <br />Desi_~'gBuilders~r_ ecs to perform the Work in.accordance with <br />all federal, state, county and municipal laws. ordinances, <br />permits, and regulations applicable to the Work or those <br /> <br />employed in the Work. <br /> <br />3.2.12 The Design/Builder shall pay royalties and license <br />fees for patented designs, processes or products. The <br />DesigrffBuilder shall defend suits for infringement of <br />patent righks and shall hold the Owner harmless from loss on <br />account thereof; but shall not be responsible for such defense <br />.or loss when a particular design, process.or product of a <br />.particular manufacturer is required by the Owner. However, if <br />the Design/Builder has reason to believe the use ora required <br />design, process or product is an infringement of a patent, the <br />Design/Builder shall be responsible for such loss unless such <br />information is promptly furnished to the Owner. <br /> <br />3.2.13 The Design/Builder shall .keep the premises and <br />surrounding area flee from accumulation of waste materials or <br />rubbish caused by operations under this Part 2 Agreement. At <br />the completion of the Work, the Design/Builder shall remove <br />from waste materials, rubbish, the Design/Builder, s <br />tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus <br />materials. The Desi_m'dBuitder shall be responsible for the <br />removal and dis!x)sition of any waste, including ha?ardous <br />waste, which arrives on the Project site or is generated at tho <br />Project site as a result of or in connection with the <br />performance of the Work. <br /> <br />3.2.14 The Design/Builder shall notify the Owner when the <br />Design/Builder believes that the Work or an agreed upon <br />portion thereof is substantially completed. If the Owner <br />.concurs, the Design/Builder shall issue a Certificate of <br />Substantial Completion which shall establish the Date of <br />Substantial Completion, shall state the responsibility of each <br />party for security, maintemmee, heat, utilities, damage to the <br />Work and insurance, shall include a list of items to be <br />completed or corrected and shall fix the time within which the <br />Design/Builder shall complete items hated therein. Disputes <br />between the Owner and Design/Builder regarding the <br />Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be resolved in <br />accordance with provisions of Article 10. <br /> <br />3.2.15 The Design/Builder shall maintain at the site for the <br />Owner one record copy of the drawings, specifications, <br />product data, samples, shop drawings, Change Orders and <br />other modifications, in good order and regularly updated to <br />record the completed construction. These shall be delivered to <br />the Owner upon completion of construction and prior to final <br />payment. <br /> <br />Insert V: 3.2.16 Subpa _ra_ragraphs 3.3.6 and 3.3.7 shall be <br />considered Basic Services. <br /> <br />3.3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br /> <br />W~99163.4 <br /> <br /> <br />