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3.3.1 The services deacribed in this Paragraph 3.3 are not <br />included in Basic Seaxicss unless so identified in Article 14, <br />and they shall be paid for bythe provided in this Part <br />2 Agreement, .in addition to the compen.,~ion for Basic <br />Services. Thc services described in this Paragraph 3.3 shall bc <br />provided only if authorized or confimaed in writing by the <br /> <br />3,3.2 Making revisions in dmwir~, specifications, and other <br />documents or electronic da~_ when such mvisiom are required <br />by the enactment or revisionof ~tes, laws or resulations <br />subsequent to the preparation of such documents or electronic <br /> <br />3.3.3 Providing consultalion concerning replacement of Work <br />damaged by fire or.other-cause .during construction, and <br />furnishing services required in connection with the <br />replacement of such Work. <br /> <br />3.3.4 Providing services in connection with a public <br />hearing, arbita'ation proceeding or legal proeeed'm~ except <br />v~here the Design/ a party thereto. <br /> <br />3,3.$ Providing coordination of eonsmletion performed by <br />the Owner's own forces or separate contractors employed by <br />the Owner, and coordination of services required in connection <br />with construction performed and equipment supplied by the <br />Owner. <br /> <br />3.3.6 Preparing a set of reproducible r~cord documents <br />~ el~tronk data showing siilniftemat daanges in the Work <br />made during construction. <br /> <br />3.3.7 Providing assistance in the utilization of equipment or <br />systems such as preparation of operation and maintenance <br />manuals, ~ personnel 'for operation and maintenance, <br />-and consultation .durin~ -operation. <br /> <br /> ARTIOL~ 4 <br /> ~HIVIE <br /> <br />4.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the Owner and the <br />Dcsigri/Builder.shall perform fl~eir mspactive obligations .as <br />expeditiously as is consistent with reasonable skill and care <br />and'the orderly progress of the Project. <br /> <br />4.2 Time limits stated in 'the Contract Documents are of <br />the essence. The Work to be performed under this Part 2 <br />Agreement shall commence upon receipt of a notice to proceed <br />unless otherwise agreed and, subject to authorized <br />Modificatior~, Substantial Completion sha!l be achieved on or <br /> <br />before the date established in Article 14. See Project Schedule. <br />Exhibit B. attached and incorporated herein. The <br />Desigr~Builder shall achieve Substantial Completion of the <br />entire Work not later than June 2, 2003. <br /> <br />4.3 Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress <br />the Work when the Work or designated portion thereof is <br />suffieianfly complete in accordance with the Contract <br />Documents so the Owner canoecupy or utilize the Work for <br />its intended u~e. The. Owners receiving a temporary <br />Certificate of Occupancy_ is a condition precedent to the <br />Desi_mffBuildefs achieving_ Substantial Completion and at the <br />Owner's reasonable discretion_ the Owner's receiving a Final <br />Certificate of Oc~m_ranc_.v ma:v be a condition precedent to the <br />Design/Builders achieving_ substantial completion, <br /> <br />4.4 Based on the Design/Builder's .Proposal, a CPM <br />construction schedule utilizing_ ~ecedent di~_~ ~ critical <br />~shall be provided consistent with Paragraph 4.2 <br />above. <br /> <br />4.S .If the Design/Builder is delayed at any time in the <br />progress of the Work by an act or neglect of the Owner, <br />Owner's employees, or separate contractors employed by the <br />Owner, or by changes ordered in the Work, or by labor <br />disputes, fire, unusual delay in deliveries, adverse weather <br />conditions not reasonably anticipatable, unavoidable casualties <br />or other causes beyond the Design/Builder's control, or by <br />delay authorized by the Owner pending arbitration, or by other <br />cause, s ~vhi~ the Ovmer sad Design/Builder agree may ju.~ fy <br />delay, and such delays are on the critical path and are not <br />concurrent with any other Desi_~,n/Builder-cal]sed delay, thea <br />the Contract Tim~ shall be reasonably e, xleaded by Cl~i~e <br />Order. <br />fflsert W: 4.5. I if adverse weather conditions are the 'b'~iS <br />for a Claim for additional time. such Claim shall be <br />documented by data substantiatir~_ that weather conditions <br />were abnormal for The period of time. could not have been <br />reasonably anticipated and had an adverse effect on the <br />scheduled constructior~ Acceptable da~a for substantiating_ a <br />claim .for.addit;ionat .time ~lue .to .abnormal weather conditions <br />wilt be the records of.the National Oceano_m,aphic-and <br />Atmospheric Admi~sia'a~ion .(~OAA) for the ~m~or 5 .,,~ars. In <br />.the absence .of NOAA-rec~ds for the Pro. iect site. local official <br />records will be acceptable. <br /> <br />Insert X: 4.6 Notwithstandir~_ an_v 1 _angu~_e in the Cnntract <br />Documents to the contrary_, if the Desi_ma/Builder is dela_ved ~ <br />the prc~_ ess .of lbo. g/ork_by_an_v.aeI or n~_ie~.t of_the Owner_ <br />any of.its employees.or .~ents. or any separate contractor <br />employed by the Owner. or a chan_~e order, the Desi_on/Builder <br />shall be _mmated a time extension and additional monetary <br />· compensation for costs inetuding extended 'general conditions. <br />related direct costs and claims by third parties. For all other <br /> <br /> <br />