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causes of delay, an extension of time shall be the <br />Desi_m~rBuildefs exclusive remedy and the Design/Builder <br />waives any fight it may otherwise have to dam~es because of <br />such dela.vs or disruptions of any nature whatsoever to all or <br />any part of the Work including, but not limited to, any <br />acceleration of all or any part of the Work <br /> <br />Insert Y: 4.7 The Owner and the Design/Builder <br />acknowledge that if the Design/Builder fail.q to achieve <br />Substantial Completion of the Project within the time !imits <br />stated in this A~_ cement, the Owner will suffer darn~es which <br />are difficult to ascertain. Accordingly. the Design/Builder <br />agrees to pay to the Owner. as liquidated damages and not as a <br />penal _ry. for each calendar day that passes after the time stated <br />in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion until <br />the Desi_~Builder achieves Substantial Completion, <br />liquidated damages in the mount of $250.00 per calendar day. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 6 <br /> PAYMENTS <br /> <br />5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS <br /> <br />5.1.t The Design/Builder shall deliver to the Owner <br />itemized Applications for Payment in such detail as indicated <br />in Article 14. <br /> <br />S.1.2 Withintenr~mthirtv(30)daysoftheOwner's~,~ _ . . <br />receipt of a properly submitted and correct Application for <br />Payment on notarized AIA forms G702 and G703. together <br />with other reasonable supporting dobumentation as required by <br />the Owner. the Owner shall make payment to the <br />Design/Builder. Such su_nporting documentation shall include <br />but not be limited to the £ollowing; <br /> <br /> Monthly Job Cost Led~_er which summarizes payroll, <br />material suppliers and subcontractor pa_wnent status for the <br />current period. U_non request by the Owner. the <br />Design/Builder shall provide payrolls, time sheets, receipted <br />invoices for labor or material marked paid-in-full and release <br />and waiver of liens, notarized and executed by the <br />Desi?~Builder and any other evidence required by the Owner. <br /> <br /> The form of Application for payment .qhal! be a <br />notarized AIA Document G702. Application and Certificate for <br />Payment. All Applications for Payment submitted by the <br />Desi[m/Builder shall include: (1) the Design/Builders <br />Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA Document <br />G706: (2) the Desi_~n/Buildefs Affidavit of Release of Liens, <br />AIA Document G706A: (3) if requested by the Owner. the <br />Desi_~a-u13uildefs sworn statement showing the names and <br />addresses of all subcontractors furnishing_ materials or labor <br />and the amounts due or to.become due each: (4) if requested by <br />the Owner. the Desi_m,./Buildefs swom statement showing_ the <br />names and addresses of all material suppliers furnishing <br /> <br />materials or labor and the amounts due or to become due each; <br />and (5) if requested by the Owner, a sworn statement from each <br />subcontractor showing names of all persons fumLqhing <br />materials or labor and the amounts due, or to become due each. <br /> <br /> Each Armlication for Payment shall be based on the <br />most recent schedule of values submitted by the <br />Design/Builder in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br />The schedule of values (see Schedule of Values, Exhibit G, <br />attached and incorporated herein) shall allocate the entire <br />Guaranteed Maximum Price among the various portions of the <br />Work, except that the DesigrffB~ilder's Fee shall be shown as a <br />singfie separate item. The schedule of values shall be prepared <br />in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its <br />accuracy as the Owner may require. This schedule, unless <br />objected to by the Owner, shall be used as a basis for <br />reviewing the Desi_m~Buildefs Application for Pa_ym~nt. <br /> <br />5.1.3 The Application for Payment shall constitute a <br />representation by the Design/Builder to the Owner that the <br />design and construction have progressed to the point indicated; <br />the quali~ of the Work covered by the application is in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents; and the <br />Design/Builder is entitled to payment in the amount requested. <br /> <br />Insert Z: The Owner may withhold a Certificate <br />for Payment in whole or in part, to the extent reasonably <br />necessary, to protect the Owner, if in the Owner's opinion <br />the representation to the Owner required by <br />Subparagraph 5.1.3 cannot be made. Owner may <br />withhold a Certificate for Payment or, because of <br />subsequently discovered .evidence, may nullify, the whole <br />or a part of a Certificate for Payment previously issued to <br />such extent as may be necessary, in the Owner's opinion <br />to protect the Owner from loss for which the <br />Design/Builder is responsible, including loss resulting <br />from acts and omissions, because of: (1) defective work <br />not remedied; (2) third party_ claims filed or reasonable <br />evidence indicating probable filing of such claims unless <br />security, acceptable to the Owner is provided by the <br />Design/Builder; (3) failure of the Design/Builder to make <br />payments properly to Subcontractors Or for labor, <br />materials or equipment; (4) reasonable evidence that the <br />Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the <br />Contract Sum; (5) damage to the Owner or another <br />contractor: (6) reasonable evidence that the Work will <br />not be completed within the Contract Time, and that the <br />unpaid balance would not be adeo. uate to cover actual or <br />liquidated damages for the anticipated delay; or (7) <br />persistent failure to carry, out the Work in accordance <br />with the Contract Documents. <br /> <br />S.1.4 Upon receipt of payment from the Owner, the <br />Desigru13uilder shall promptly pay the Architect, other design <br />professionals and each contractor the amount to which each is <br /> <br />V~499163.4 <br /> <br /> <br />