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no obligation to review a Claim that is not accompanied by the <br />required supporting data. <br /> <br />11.6 INDEMNIFICATION <br /> <br />1 '1.8.'1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the <br />Design/Builder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, <br />Owner's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them <br />from and against claims, damages, losses and expenses, <br />including but not lknited to economic loss. direct_, indirect and <br />consequential damages, and attorneys' fees, arising out of or <br />resulting from performance of the Work, provided that such <br />claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, <br />sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of <br />tangible property (other than the Work itself) including loss of <br />use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused in whole <br />or in part by negligent acts or omissions of the Design/Builder, <br />anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Design/Builder <br />or anyone for whose acts the Design/Builder may be liable, <br />regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or <br />expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. ' <br />Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or <br />reduce other fights or obligations of indemnity which would <br />otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this <br />Paragraph 11.5. <br /> <br />1 '1.5.2 In claims against any person or entity indemnified <br />under this Paragraph 11.5 by an employee of the <br />Design/Builder, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the <br />Design/Builder or anyone for whose acts the Design/Builder <br />may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this <br />Paragraph 11.5 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount <br />or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for <br />the Design/Builder under workers' compensation acts, <br />disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. <br /> <br />11.6 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS <br /> <br />11.6.1 The Owner and Design/Builder, respectively, bind <br />themselves, their parmers, successors, assigns and legal <br />representatives to the other party to this Part 2 Agreement and <br />to the partners, successors and assigns of such other party with <br />respect to all covenants of this Part 2 Agreement. ~.~c'~*~=r '~= <br />r~ ....... u~ r~.;~n~..;~. ~,~, The Desim~rBuilder shall <br />not assign this Part 2 Agreement without the prior written <br />consent of the ~h~ Owner. The Owner may assign this Part 2 <br />Agreement to any institutional lender providing construction <br />financing, and the Design/Builder agrees to execute all <br />consents reasonably required to facilitate such an assignment. <br />If either party makes such an assignment, that party shall <br />nevextheless remain legally responsible for all obligations <br />under this Part 2 Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the <br />other party. <br /> <br />11.7 TERMINATION OF PROFESSIONAL <br /> DESIGN SERVICES <br /> <br />t ~.7.'1 Prior to termination of the services of the Architect or <br />any other design professional designated in this Part 2 <br />Agreement, the Design/Builder shall identify to the Owner in <br />writing another architect or other design professional with <br />respect to whom the Owner has no reasonable objection, who <br />will provide the services originally to have been provided by <br />the Architect or other design professional whose services are <br />being terminated. <br /> <br />11.8 . EXTENT OF AGREEMENT <br /> <br />11.8.'1 This Part 2 Agreement represents the entire agreement <br />between the Owner and the Design/Builder and supersedes <br />prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either <br />written or oral. This Part 2 Agreement may be amended only by <br />written instrument and signed by both the Owner and the <br />Design/Builder. If any provision of this Agreement or the <br />Contract Documents is held to be illegal, invalid or <br />unenforceable under any applicable law~ such provision shall <br />be fully severable, and all other provisions shall remain in full <br />force and effect. <br /> <br />Insert AH: 11.9 DESIGN/BLTII.DER'S BUSINESS <br />REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIE~ <br /> <br />Insert Al: 11.9.1 The Desi_an/Builder represents and warrants <br />to the Owner (in addition to all other representations and <br />warranties contained in the Contract Documents) as a material <br />inducement to the Owner to enter into the Contract: (1) that it <br />is financially solvent, able to pa_v all debts as they mature and <br />possessed of sufficient working capital to complote the Work <br />and perform all obli~tions under the Contract Documents; (2) <br />that it is able to furnish the facilities, tools, materials, supplies, <br />equipment and labor required to complete the Work and <br />perform its obligations under the Contract Doeurnents and has <br />sufficient experience and competence to do so; (3) that i~; is <br />authorized to do business in the state where the Project is <br />located and is properly licensed, or shall employ or otherwise <br />hire properl.v licensed individuals or tm'as, by all necessary. <br />governmental and public and quasi-public _amhorities having <br />jurisdiction over the Deal_an/Builder and over the Work and the <br />Project: and (.4) that its execution of the Contract and <br />performance thereof is within the Desi_an/Buildefs d~y <br />authorized powers. The representations and warranties given <br />herein shall survive the execution of the Contract, any <br />termination of the Contract and the final completion of the <br />Work. <br /> <br />Insert A J: 11.10 The Contractor shall keep full and detailed <br />accounts and exercise such controls as ma.v be necessary, for <br />proper financial management under this Contmct~ the <br />accounting and control systems shall be satisfactory_ to the <br />Owner. The Owner and the Owneffs accotmtant~ shall be <br /> <br /> <br />