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afforded access to. and shall be permitted to audit and copy. <br />the Contractors records relating to this Contract. The <br />Contractor shall preserve these records for a period of three <br />years after final payment or for such longer period as may be <br />required b_v law. <br /> <br />11.11 The Owner's not insisting_ upon strict compliance with <br />any of the provisions of this Agreement and the Contract <br />Documents. or not exercising an_v of its options provided <br />hereir~ shall not be construed as a waiver of its right thereafter <br />to require such compliance or to exercise any such options. <br /> <br />11.12 Project Records. The Design/Builder and its <br />subcontractors shall maintain the following Project records: <br />bid estimates, payment records, pa.woll records, meeting <br />minutes, daily reports, low. diaries, schedules, internal <br />correspondence, notes and memoranda and all correspondence <br />between and among all of the parties involved in the Project <br />including_ but not limited to all lower tier subcontractors, <br />suppliers, manufacturers and vendors, the Architect and the <br />Owner. These Project records shall be made readily available <br />to the Owner upon request. <br /> <br />Insert AK: 11.13 The Desi_ma/Builder's project ma~ and <br />the Desi_m-ffBuildefs superintendent shall be full-time <br />employees of the Design/Builder, The.project mana?.r and the <br />superintendent shall each havea minimum of five years' <br />exp_ erienee constructing projects similar to the Project. The <br />project managers and the superintendent's previous work <br />performance must, respeeiively, be acceptable to the Owner as <br />to quali[y of workmanship and time of performance. Resumes <br />of the projeet manager and the superintendent shall be <br />submitted by the Desi~rv13uilder to the Owner at the time the <br />Contract is signed. If either person is or becomes unacceptable <br />to the Owner. the Design/Builder. ur)on written demand by the <br />Owner. shall promptly remove the unacee_rrmble person and <br />shall appoint a replacement satisfacto~ to the Owner. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 12 <br /> TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />12.1 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER <br /> <br />12.1.1 This Part 2 Agreement may be terminated by the <br />Owner upon 14 days' written notice to the Design/Builder in <br />the event that the Project is abandonetL If such termination <br />occurs, the Owner shall pay the Design/Builder for Work <br />completed and for proven loss sustained upon materials, <br />equipment, tools, and construction equipment and machinery, <br />including reasonable profit and applicable damages. <br /> <br />12.1.2 If the Design/Builder fails or refuses to supply <br />sufficient and properly skilled labor, equipment or materials_ <br />or fails in any respect to diligenQy prosecute Work, or <br />otherwise is in default or breach of arty term of this Agreement, <br /> <br />~&e prc-Asicrz af*&2s Pa~ 2 )~aamer& the ~er may ~ve <br />~n nohce ~at ~e ~er ~n~ to temm~ ~s Pm 2 <br />~eement. ~e Desi~uilder fails to conect or ~e <br />subsmtial ~ion to f~ilimte eo~ection of~e defa~u, faille <br />or ne~ect ~ ~enW-fo= (24) ho=s ...... ~,~ ~ys a~er <br />beMg ~ven notice, ~e ~ .... j ....................... <br /> <br />wi~out prejudice to my o~er remedy ~a~ ~e <br />emplo~em of ~e Desi~uilder md ~e possession of ~e <br />sim md of all ma~d~s, eq~pmen~ reels md com~ction <br />equipm~t md mac~ ~ereon omed by ~e <br />Desi~lder ~d f~sh ~e Work by whamver me~od ~e <br />~er may deem e~cdient. ~ the ~paid hal~ce of ~e <br />Con~t Sm ~excee~ ~e exp~e of <br />f~s~g ~e Work md all ~es ~c~ed by ~e ~er, <br />such excess shall be ~d ~ ~e Desi~lder. ~ ~e <br />exp~e of complet~g ~e Work and all ~es ~c~ed by <br />· e ~er excee~ ~e ~paid halmce~ ~e <br />Desi~uilder shall pay ~e difference to ~e ~er. ~s <br />obli~tion for pa~ent shall s~ve tem~afion of ~s P~ 2 <br />~eemem. <br /> <br />Insert AL: 12.1.3 The Owner may also declare the <br />Desi_an/Builder in default for any one or more of following <br />reasons: (1) failure to complete the Work within the Contract <br />Time or any extension thereofi (2) failure or refusal to remove <br />rejected materials within 30 days: (3) failure or refmal to <br />perform anew any defective or unacceptable Work: (4) failure <br />to provide a qualified superintendent, competent worker~ or <br />subcontractor~ to carry_ on the Work in an acceptable manner; <br />(5) failure to prosecute the Work according to the agreed <br />schedule of completion: (6). disregard or violation of any <br />provision of the Contract Documents: (7), if the Design/Builder <br />abandons the Project for 10 or more days: or (8) fail~re to <br />promptly pay subcontractorl and material sup. pliers in a timely <br />manner. <br /> <br />12.1.4 Neither the Owner nor its ~ents. employees or <br />representatives shall be in an_v wa_v liable or accountable to the <br />Desi_mtBuilder for the method by which completion of the <br />Work. or any portion thereof, which is carded out by the <br />Owner pursuant to this paragraph is accomplished or for the <br />price paid therefor. The Desi_ma/Builder and surety are <br />responsible for ail costs of completing- the Work. including the <br />costs in excess of the original Contract Sum. The <br />Desi_ma/Builder will be paid the amount saved if the cost of <br />co~oletion is less than the ori_mnal Contract Sum. The Owner <br />does not forfeit the right to recover damages from the <br />Desi_m~Builder or surety for failure to complete the Contract <br />by taking over the Work or by declaring the Desi_ma/Builder in <br />default. <br /> <br />t2.2 TERMINATION BY THE DESIGN/BUILDER <br /> <br />VV"t~99165.4 <br /> <br /> <br />