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t2.2.1 If the Owner fails to make payment when due, the <br />Design/Builder may give written notice of the Design/ <br />Builder's intention to terminate this Part 2 Agreement. If the <br />Design/Builder fails to receive payment within seven (7) days <br />after receipt of such notice by the Owner, the Design/Builder <br />may give a second written notice and, seven (7) days after <br />receipt of such second written notice by the Owner, may <br />terminate this Part 2 Agreement and recover from the Owner <br />payment for Work executed and for proven losses sustained <br />upon materials, equipment, tools, and construction equipment <br />and machinery, including reasonable profit and applicable <br />damages. <br /> <br />Insed; AM: 12.3 TERMINATION BY THE OWNERFOR <br /> <br />12.3.1 The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract <br />for the Owners convenience and without cause. <br /> <br />12.3.2 Upon receipt of written notice from the Owner of <br />such termination, the Design/Builder shall: (1) cease <br />o~rations as directed by the Owner in the notice: (.2) take all <br />0ctiQrls uecessary_ ~ or as the Owner ma_v direct, for the <br />protection and preservation of the Work: and (3) except for <br />Work directed to be performed prior to the effective date of <br />termination stated in the notice, terminate all existing <br />subcontracts and purchase orders and enter into no further <br />subgontraets and purchase orders. <br /> <br />12.3.3 Upon such termination, the Design/Builder shall <br />recover as its sole remedy paYment for Work properly <br />performed in eormection with the 'terminated portion of the <br />Work prior to the effective date of termination, for items <br /> <br />properly and timely fabricated off the Project site, delivered <br />and stored in accordance with the Owner's instructions. <br />Reasonable termination expenses, excluding anticipated <br />profits, as negotiated between the Owner and the <br />Design/Builder may also be paid. <br /> <br />Insert AN: 12.3.4 The Owner shall be credited for (1) <br />payments previously made to the Desi_an/Builder for the <br />terminated portion of the Work; (2) claims which the Owner <br />has against the Desi_;rffBuilder under the Contract Documents: <br />and (3) the value of the materials, supplies, equipment or other <br />items that are to be disposed of by the Deal_ma/Builder that are <br />part of the contract sum. <br /> <br />12.4 Cooperation and Use of Documents. To the maximum <br />extent allowed by North Carolina architect, engi_'neer and <br />desigrffbuild licensing laws: (a) In the event of any termination <br />by the Owner, Desi_ma/Builder consents to Owaefs select/oil of <br />another desi_ma/builder of Owner's choice to assist Owrler in <br />completing_ the Project: (b) Desi~mvrBuilder a_arees to cooperate <br />and provide any information requested by Owner in connection <br />with the completion of the Project and consents to and <br />authorizes the making of any reasonable changes to the deal_an <br />of the Project ~ Owner and such other desi_an/builder ma_v <br />de, ire; (q) Ihawin~. specifications, and other documents and <br />electronic data furnished by the Desi_ma/Builder may be used <br />by the Owner for additions to this Project and for completion <br />of this Project by others: and (d) In the event of termination of <br />the Desi_m~Builder. Desi?ffBuilder shall immediately provide <br />to Owner copies of all drawings_, specifications, and other <br />documents and electronic data in connection w/th the Project <br />to enable Owner to complete the Project. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 13 <br /> BASIS OF COMPENSATION <br />The Owner shalt compensate the Design/Builder in accordance with Article 5, Payments, and the other provisions of this Part 2 <br />Agreement as described below. <br /> <br />13.1 COMPENSATION <br /> <br />t3.1.t For the Design/Builder's performance of the Work, as described in Paragraph 3.2 and including any other services listed in <br />Article 14 as part of Basic Services, the Owner shall pay the Design/Builder in current funds the Contract Sum as follows: <br />Cost of the Work_ as def'med in _rmr~_ apb and the Desi_m~Builder's Fee. which shall be ten percent (10%) of the Cost of the <br />Work. <br /> <br />13.1.].1 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) <br /> <br />A. The sum of the Cost of the Work and the Desi_erffBuildefs Fee is _;uaranteed by the Desi_ma/Builder not to exceed the <br />Guaranteed Maximum Price of Four Million Dollars ($4.000.000~. including_ the sum of $85.000 in Part 1 of this A~r_ cement, sub_iect to <br />additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Contract Documents. The GMP includes a two percent (2%) <br />eontir~__ency which belon_m to the Owner which can be used for unforeseen conditions, among other things. Such lllaxilIl~m sum is <br />referred to in the Contract Documents as the Guaranteed Maximum Price. Costs which would cause the Guaranteed Maximum Price to <br />be exceeded shall be paid by the Desi_m~/Builder without reimbursement by the owner, <br /> <br />VW/499163.4 <br /> <br /> <br />