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B. The Guaranteed Maximum Price is subject to acl_iustment for scope chances and chan~e orders, authorized in accordance with <br />the rec~uirements of the Contract Documents. The difference_ as of the date of final completion_ between (a~ the total a~egate sum of <br />~e Cost of the .Work~lus the Desi_ma/Buildefs Fee and (b) the Guaranteed Maximum Price upon final completion of the Work (such <br />difference equals the Savings") shall be shared by the Owner and the Desi_ma/Builder as follows: seventy-five percent (75%) of~ueh <br />Savin~ shall inure to the benefit of the Owner, and the remaining twenty-five percent (25%) shall be paid to the Design/Builder as an <br />additional fee'. provided, however, that the Desi_ma/Builder shall not be entitled to receive any Savings until the d,te of final payment. <br /> <br />C. The Gamranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following altemates, if any~ which are described in the Contract <br />Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: <br /> <br />D. The amount agreed to for unit prices, if any, are: <br /> <br />E. Allowances are as follows:' <br /> <br />Owner's data and communications equipment <br />2" Water Tap Fee <br />Site Work and Grading <br />Standard Size Face Brick (purchase only) <br />Shelving <br /> <br />Carpet <br /> <br />Entry Tile <br /> <br />Fire Line Tap Fee <br />Water Tap Capital Recovery Fee <br /> <br /> $180~000.00 <br /> $3,500.00 <br /> $460,000.00 <br /> $250/thousand. plus tax <br /> $9,000.00 <br /> $15.00/sy. installed <br /> $10.O0/sL installed <br />$8,000.00 <br /> $11,500.00 <br /> <br />F. Assumptions on which the Guaranteed Maximum Price is based are as follows: <br /> <br />See Desi_ma/Builder's Rate Summary, Exhibit B. attached and incorporated herein <br /> <br /> COSTS TO BE REIMBURSED The term "Cost of the Work" shall mean costs necessarily incurred by the Design/Builder <br />in the _rrroper performance of the Work. Such costs shall be at rates not higher than the standard paid-at the place of the Project except <br />with prior consent of the Owner. The Cost Of the Work shall include only the items set forth in this paragraph <br /> <br />A Wages of constmetion workers directly employed by the Desi_ma/Builder to perform the constmction of the Work, including <br />but not limited to welfare, unemployment compensation, social security and other benefits, <br /> <br />B. Costs. including transportation, of moterials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the completed construction. <br />All discounts for cash or prompt payment shall accrue to the Owner. <br /> <br />C. Payments made by the Desi_m~q3uilder to Subcontractors in accordance with the requirements of the subcontracts. <br /> <br />D. Cost of all materials, tempor~_ facilities, equipment and hand tools not customarily owned by the construction workers, <br />which are provided by the Deal_ma/Builder at the site and fully consumed in the performance of the Work <br /> <br />E. Reasonable rental costs for neee.q-qary temporary, facilities, machinery, equipment~ and hand tools used at the site of the Work, <br />whether rented from the Desi_mv13uilder or others. Rates shall be consistent with industry standards. <br /> <br />F. That portion directly attributable to this Contract of premiums for insurance and bonds. <br /> <br />G. Losses and expenses, not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by the Desi_m~Builder in connection with the <br />Worlc provided they have resulted from causes other than the fault or ne~eet of the Desi_ma/Bu/lder, <br /> <br />H. Costs of removal of debris from the site. <br /> <br />I. Costs incurred in taking action to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss in case of an ememencv affectin6 the safety of <br />persons and property. - ..... <br /> <br />W~g9163.4 <br /> <br /> <br />