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$. Other costs incurred in the performance of the Work if and to the extent approved in advance in writing by thc Owner. <br /> <br />K. If applicable, sales, use or similar taxes imposed by a governmental authori _fy that are related to the Work. <br /> <br />L. If applicable, fees and assessments for the building permit and for other permits, licenses and inspections for which the <br />Desi_m'~Builder is reauired by the Contract Doeumen~ tO paY, <br /> <br /> COSTS NOT TO BE REIMBURSED The Cost of the Work shall not include (and therefore the following costs shall be <br />paid by the Desi_ma/Builder without reimbursemer~t by the Owner.): <br /> <br />A. Salaries and other compensation of the Desi_m/Buildefs personnel stationed at the Desi~m',./Buildefs principal office or offices <br />other than the site office. The Design/Builders Project Man~er. Estimator. Purchasing Agent and desi~ staffwill be reimbursed for <br />the time he works on the direct and exclusive business of the Project whether stationed at the Home Office or at th~ job-~ite, <br /> <br />B. Expenses of the Design/Builders principal office and offices other than the site office, <br /> <br />Overhead and general expense, except as may be expressly included in Para,r_ aph 13.1,1.2. <br /> <br />The Desi_mv~Buildefs capital expenses, including interest on the Desi~an/Buildefs capital employed for the Work. <br /> <br />E. Rental costs of machine _ry and equipment except as specifically provided in SubparagjaPh 13.1-1,2.~). <br /> <br />F. The Owner reeo_maizes that minor mistakes and corrective work may occur due to the nature of construction and those costs <br />will be reimbursable. Costs due to the malfeasance or willful negligence of the Desi?u~Builder. Subcontractors. anyone directly or <br />indirectly employed by an_v of them. or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to. costs for the <br />of dam~ed, defective or nonconforming Work disposal and replacement of materials and-equipment incorrectly ordered or suppliech <br />and making good dam~e to property_ not forming part of the Work. <br /> <br />G. An.v COSt not specifically or expressly described in Para,a_ ph 13.1,1,2, <br /> <br />Costs which would cause the Guaranteed Maximum Price. if any, t01~ e;~ceeded. <br /> <br />I. Costs _maid or incurred by the Desi_ma/Builder for taxes, insurance, contributions, assessment~ arid benefits required by law or <br />collective barga_ ining a_m'_ cements and. forperaonnel not covered by such a~_ cements, customary_ benefits such as sick leave, medical and <br />health benefits, holidays, vaeation~ pensions and b0r~mes. <br /> <br />J. Expenses of the Desi_m'~3uildefs and subcontractors personnel incurred while traveling to and from the Project site. <br /> <br />13.1.2 For Additional Sea-vices, as described in Paragraph 3.3 and including any other services listed in Article 14 as Additional <br />Services, compensation shall be as follows: <br />If applicable, compensation for Additional Services shall be negotiated between the parties. The basis for Change Orders, if any. shall <br />be Cost of Work plus ten percent (10%) fee. <br /> <br />t3.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES <br /> <br />13.2.1 Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the compensation for Basic and Additional Services, and include actual <br />expenditures made by the Design/Builder and the Design/Builder's employees and contractors in the interest of the Project, as follows: <br /> <br />13.2.2 FOR REINIBURSABLE EXPENSES, compensation shall be a multiple of one ( 1.0 ) times the mounts expended. <br /> <br />13:3 INTEREST PAYMENTS <br /> <br />13.3.t The rate of interest for past due payments shall be as follows: <br />Interest will be charged at the leal rate from the date pa_,anent is due. <br /> <br />(Usry lawa and r, quir, n~nt# un~r tl~ l~ed~ral Tr~th in l.~nding Act, ~irrdl~' ~ate and local credit l~= and otl~r rggulatton~ a~ th, Own~r'~ and D~ign/ <br />Bullder '~ l~r~ pl~ce~ of bus~ne.s, at the looation of th~ Project and .Lvewl~re may affect th~ validity of thts provi.~or~ Specific legal avh, tc~ should be obtained <br /> <br />W~1~991~.4 <br /> <br /> <br />