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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 18f 1997 <br /> <br />Page 20 <br /> <br />approval process for the rezordng use or both. Dm~mg Lhis <br />approval process, attention and preference' should be given to <br />plans that address conflict, that offer gradual transition from one <br />use to another, and those in which standards are applied by the <br />developer to enhance the property while protecting adjoining <br />owr, ers. Mr. Newton'said *~L~y .... are o~..~'~"~-' as.V,.ing ~. ~h~ ~o,,, of <br />the Western Area Plan be followed. This site is an area identified <br />as being potential confliCt by the Western Area Plan. The premise <br />of 'the land use plan is that infrastructure be in place to support <br />future development, that transitions between uses be developed, <br />and that adjoining property .owners are protected. The Western <br />Area Plan clearly states-.that a portion of this site' would make sense <br />to become a great future employment area, but'it is likewise clear <br />that its orientation-be back to 1-85 via King's Grant, not toward <br />Poplar Tent_ · This was the same scenario used when a large <br />industrial site was considered for rezoning along U.S. 29 that <br />pushed in toward Weddington Road. The concern was that <br />industrial zoning, if approved, Was going to push the industry and' <br />truck traffic into the heart of the residential development of <br />Wedd.ington Road. Further they would ask that a study occur in <br />which the effects of a shortage of residentially zoned and prime <br />land be studied with the surplus' of available industrial land and <br />congested road .network. This study will be able to define the true <br />effects of the successful airport and its impact on the parcels under <br />review. Based on clear zones, future growth and noise contours, <br />several portions of this site may show up as being most <br />appropriate industrial and several por~ons may' also show up as <br />being entirely appropriate for residential." He said the petitioners <br />need to be able to develop their land, theY do not deny that, they <br />are-simply-.asking that the intent of the Western Area Plan be <br />followed. <br /> <br />Mr'.'-F~ed 'Campbell, P~ol~erty Owner. Beech Blfff-f, ad-dres'sed-:the <br />Board stating his 'concern is spot zoning. He said they are looking <br />at this'in isolation and not in regards to what is going on in the. <br />area. Mr. Campbell said they need to decide on what they are <br />going to d°. Are they going to develop that King's Grant area for <br />retail or are they going to push industrial development up against <br />it? I-Ie said he is not opposed to residential deve!opmeV_t but, he is' <br /> <br /> <br />