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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 18, 1997 <br /> <br />Page 23 <br /> <br />just to the right He said the reason there are no complaints now is <br />because there are a very few houses in that area. Mr. Jordan said <br />before this board even considers letting any residential' develop in <br />there, that woUld just be disastrous because the airport traffic <br />patterns will not change. He said the highest and best use for this <br />area is industrial. <br /> <br /> Mr. Starnes said he doubts this development ff it is zoned as <br /> requested coUld be Considered a slow development. He asked how <br /> ':long woUld, it take to put roads in there to sustain this for 55,000 <br /> trips a day? Will it take 10 years 15 years, he said'he has not heard <br /> "anyone say. I-Ie asked Dr. Hartgen if he Would address thatissue. <br /> <br /> ':..~r. David Hartgen, Property Owner Beech Bluff 'and also.'-a <br /> Professor of Transportation at the University of North Carolina at <br /> Charlotte; addressed the Board stating he will confine his <br /> comments only to the traffic issue. He said the maximum capacity <br /> of a two lane rural road, suCh as Derita Road, with narrow <br /> shoulders, and limited site distance is about 10,000 cars a day. It <br /> cannot carry much more than that. Dr. Hartgen said none of the <br /> proposals that we have heard tonight seriously question the <br /> number 55,000, it only questions the'time in which that number <br /> might be achieved. The State of North Carolina has a road <br />· development process which typically takes between 7 and 15 years <br />for a road, once identified as a need, to move on to the program <br />called the Transportation Improvement PlaE and then to be <br />ultimately funded and finally to be constructed. He said they are <br />discussing in this county now roads yet to be constructed which <br />were first proposed 15 and 20 years ago. Those roads are not yet <br />under construction and they"have not yet been designed. We are <br />proposing here to put development on a two lane facility for which. <br />there are no development plans and no upgrades yet under <br />di'~ii~i6fi~'. Th~ ~6~d i~ ii6[' 6h '~-bf ~-~ii~' <br />improvement plans.' It is not even within the listing of serious <br />discussion .items yet to be released for those plans. There is not <br />eVen any plans at this point to handle the traffic On 1-85 that would <br />be caused by the Concord Mills Mall. Dr. Hartgen said to him this <br />is a pretty straight forward question. If they approve this project <br />they are essentially demanding without support that the State <br />provide us with highway facilities, and those facilities would have <br />to be bigger <br /> <br /> <br />