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Table 1: Flood Mitigation Activities <br /> <br />Note: Abbreviations used in Table 1: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); North carolina <br />Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR); North Carolina Division of Emergency <br /> : (NCDEM); Natural Resource Conservation Services (N'RCS) <br /> <br />Short Range (1 - 2 year) Activities - Responsible Parties Support Parties Schedule <br />(cRS Activity Code) <br />I. Review~pdate Flood Dmage Plmg ~d Zo~g Plug =d 2002 <br />Prevention OMM=ce to ensue Semices Dep~ent Zo~g Se~ces <br />maximin protection ~om flood Dep~ent <br />h~d events (CRS 430). Bo~d of <br /> Co~ssioners Public <br /> S afe~Ml~g <br /> M~cipMities hspecfions <br />A. Consider adoptMg tempor~ Bo~d of Planning ~d 2002 <br />moratohm on new cons~cfion ~d Co~issioners ZoMng Se~ces <br />new subdivisions wit~ flood h=~d Dep~ent <br />~e~ =til Flood Dmage Prevention M~cipalities <br />Ordin~ce has been updated. <br />B. ~1 new, remodeled, or repMrs to Bo~d of 2002 <br />subst~tiMly dmaged bMl~gs Comssioners <br />should be elevated to ~e base flood <br />elevation (BFE) to a miMmm of 2 M~cipahties <br />feet above BFE. (CRS 430). Consider <br />proMbitMg cons~ction or subst=fial <br />improvement ofbMldings witMn the <br />100-ye~ floodplMn. <br />C. Review ~y reb~ldMg acfivMes Bo~d of Plmg ~d 2002 <br />M w~e of local emergencies ~d Co~issioners Zomg Se~ces <br />consider pohcies/proced~es for Dep~ent <br />~Mg repetitive losses. M~cipMities <br /> Public <br /> Safety/BMldMg <br /> Mspecfions <br />D. ProMbit enclos~es to the lower Public Safe~ / Plmg ~d 2002' <br />~eas oC elevated b~ldMgs, Mclu~g BMlding Zoning Se~ices <br />bre~away wMls.(CRS 430). ~specfions Dep~ent <br /> Bo~d of <br /> Co~ssioners <br /> Mmcipa~fies <br />E. ContMue to req~re =d maMtaM Public Safe~ / Con~uous <br />FE~ elevation ce~ificates for M1 BMl~ng ~specfions <br />pe~ts for new buil~gs or <br />~provements to buildings on lots <br /> <br />Draft Basic Plan v.3.1 ~ ' ~ 7 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />