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including any portion of 100-year <br />floodplain (CRS 310) <br />F. Advise/assist property owners in Public Safety / Planning and Continuous <br />retrofitting their businesses and Building Inspections Zoning Services <br />homes and. Retrofitting means Department <br />modifying an existing building or yard <br />to protect the property from flood <br />damage. <br />II. Revise/update regulatory floodplain FEMA ' Planning and '2002-2003 <br />maps (CRS 410). NCDENR Zoning Services <br /> NCDEM ~ <br />HI. Continue participation in the Planning and Zoning <br />Community Rating System Services Department <br />IV. Review countywide zoning plan Board of Planning and 2002-2003 <br />or, at a minimum, adopt zoning in ' Commissioners Zoning Services <br />floodplain areas to better control Department <br /> Municipalities <br />V. Acquire destroyed or substantially Planning and Zoning 2002-utc <br />damaged properties and relocate Services Department <br />households (voluntary program) (CRS <br />520/420). <br />VI. Update Small Area Plans <br />A. Delineate preferred growth areas Board of Planning and 2002-2003 <br />and develop area plans for target Commissioners Zoning Services <br />locations. Department <br /> Municipalities <br />B. Develop an open space plan; target Board of Planning and 2002-2003 <br />properties for acquisition/fund Commissioners Zoning Services <br />acquisition program. ' Department <br /> Municipalities <br />C. Adopt policies that discourage Board of Planning and 2002-2003 <br />growth in flood hazard areas, Commissioners Zoning services <br />including policy on not extending Department <br />public services and utilities into flood Municipalities <br />hazard zones. <br />D. Work through Water and Sewer Planning Services Public Safety/ Continuous <br />Authority of Cabarrus County Department Building <br />(WASCC) to ensure the public is fully Inspections <br />informed of and the building permit WASCC <br />process incorporates restrictions on <br />providing service within the 100-year ~ <br />floodplain. <br /> <br />Draft Basic Plan v.3.1 ~'-o ~ 8 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />