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(d) Planning Board Review and Recommendation. The Board of Commissioners <br />shall review thc proposed amendment, along with thc Planniug and Zoning Services <br />Department's recommendation and any comments received fi:om other departments and <br />agencies. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit its recommendation on the <br />proposed amendment to the Board of Commissioners within forty-five (45) days. Failure of the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission to submit its recommendation within this time period shall <br />constitute a favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />(e) Public Hearing Requirements <br /> <br /> (1) No amendment to the Hazard Mitigation Plan may be adopted until a public <br />hearing has been held. Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Board, the Planning <br />and Zoning Services Department shall, after consultation with the Clerk to the Board, schedule a <br />public hearing before the Board of Commissioners on the petition. <br /> <br /> (2) The public notice shall be pubhshed two (2) times in a newspaper having <br />general circulation within the County. The first notice will be no more than 25 days before the <br />hearing; the second notice no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled pubhc hearing date. In <br />computing this period, the date of publication shall not be counted but the date of the public <br />hearing shah be. With respect to map amendments, the Planning and Zoning Services <br />Department shall provide first-class mail notice of the public hearing to: <br /> <br />- OWners, according to county tax records, of all properties whose use of land may be affected by <br />the proposed amendment. <br />- OWners, according to tax records, of all properties within 100 feet of the properties affected by <br />the proposed amendment. <br /> <br /> (3) The Planning and Zoning Services Department may also post notices of the <br />public hearing in the vicinity of the properties affected by the proposed amendment and take any <br />other action deemed by the Planning and Zoning Services Department to be useful or appropriate <br />to give notice of the public hearing. The notice required or authorized by this section shall: <br /> <br />- State the date, time, and pla. ce of the public heating. <br />- Summarize the nature and character of the proposed change. <br />- If the proposed amendment involves a change in potential use of the land, reasonably identify <br />the property whose potential land use would be affected by the amendment. <br />- State that the full text of the amendment can be obtained fi:om the Cabarms County Planning <br />and Zoning Services Department. <br /> State that substantial changes in the proposed amendment may be made following the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br /> (f) Board of Commissioners Review and Adoption. Upon receipt of a <br />recommendation fi:om the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Planning and Zoning Services <br />Department shall schedule a public heating before the Board of Comm/ssioners on the petition <br />according to the procedure outlined in Section "Public Hearing Requirements". <br /> <br /> (g) Integration of New Policies and Ordinances. The development of a hazard <br />mitigation plan entails reviewing and updating existing land use policies and regulatory <br /> <br />Draft Basic Plan v.3.1 /--' ' ~ 14 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />