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of extreme summer weather intensify the effects of a drought, these periods do not cause it. The <br />decline in the level of the water table creates problems for those citizens who rely on wells for <br />water, and the lack of rainfall also decreased the level of water in local reservoirs. <br /> <br />M. Nataral Hazard Summary Assessment for Cabarrus County <br /> <br /> 1. North Carolina experiences different types of hazards with some more likely than <br />others to impact different regions of the State. The North Carohna Division of Emergency <br />Management has assessed the State's vulnerability to natural hazards by county. Table A-2 <br />shows the State's summary assessment for Cabarrus County for the nine natural hazards <br />identified as affecting North Carolina. <br /> <br />2. Natural Hazard Vulnerability of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Table A-2. Natural Hazard Summary Assessment for Cabarrus County <br /> <br />Natural NC EM Vulnerability Rating Cabarrus County EM <br />Hazard for Cabarrus County County Vulnerability Rating <br />Hurricane Low Low <br />Flood Moderate Moderate <br />Tomado High High <br />Nor'easter Low Low <br />Thunderstorm Moderate High <br />Severe Winter Moderate Moderate <br />Storm <br />Wildfrre Low Low <br />Earthquake Moderate Low <br />Landslide Mo derate Low <br /> <br /> Source: Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Manual, NCDEM, 1998, p. 81. <br /> <br /> (a) The North Carolina Division of Emergency Management used the following <br />methodology: Each of the one hundred counties in North Carolina was categorized into one of <br />three levels of natural hazard likelihood - "Low", "Moderate", or "High" for eight natural <br />hazards. Some assignments were made, in part, using the Climate Division to which each county <br />was assigned. The Climate Division number for Cabarrus County is 5. (For additional <br />information on how ratings were developed, see "Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Manual, <br />North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, November 1998.) Thunderstorms were not <br />rated in the Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Manual. For the purposes of this report, <br />thunderstorms were rated moderate. <br /> (b) The Cabarrus County Division of Emergency Management evaluated hazards <br />using the state model, but adjusted it based on historical information on events in the county. <br /> <br />N. Potential Impact of Natural Hazards on Cabarrus County <br /> <br />The North Carolina Division of Emergency Management has estimated the potential impact of <br />various natural hazards for Cabarrus County as shown in Table A-3. <br /> <br />Draft Annex A v.3.1 A-5 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />