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existence of a comprehensive plan ensures that the county boards and staff are developing <br />regulations and ordinances that are consistent with the overall goals of the community. <br /> <br /> 3. Unified Development Ordinance. Within the county, the City of Concord, the City of <br />Karmapohs, the Town of Mount Pleasant and the Town of Harrisburg have adopted a un/fled <br />development ordinance (UDO) to standardize the regulation of further growth in those <br />municipalities. The County has not adopted this UDO for unincorporated areas of the county, <br />but uses the county zoning ordinance to manage development in these areas. , <br /> <br />C. Small Area Plans <br /> <br /> 1. Cabarrus County has adopted several individual Small Area Plans that comprise a <br />comprehensive land use plan. The purpose of these plans is to outline long-range growth and <br />development policies for the unincorporated areas of the County. The Small Area Plans delineate <br />areas of "resource conservation" which consist of areas located within the regulatory flood <br />plains of major streams and the Rocky River. Recommended uses most suitable for this area <br />include open space, recreational, agriculture and low-density residential development. The <br />promotion of these types of land uses is typical of current mitigation initiatives. <br /> <br /> 2. Growth and development in Cabarrus County is constantly changing conditions <br />throughout the County. These changes affect the impact natural hazards have on the people and <br />properties of the County. In most cases, growth and development result in the alteration of <br />natural topographic features that, in mm, affect the extent of flooding and the boundary of flood <br />Plains. ~ <br /> <br />Table D- 1: Specific Hazard Mitigation Goals, Objectives and Strategies <br /> <br /> Category 'Goal <br /> <br />Growth and Manage the physical Discourage development - Prohibit development in <br />Development growth and development in unsuitable or sensitive floodways and encourage <br /> of Cabarrus County to areas, which have less intensive land uses <br /> preserve and protect the natural or man- made such as agriculture and <br /> County's character and constraints or recreation in floodway <br /> assets, limitations, fringes. <br /> - Evaluate and revise, if <br /> necessary, the Flood <br /> Damage Prevention <br /> Ordinance. <br />Land Use Promote an orderly and Develop an effective, -Prepare and adopt a <br /> efficient land use countywide land use countywide zoning <br /> pattern, which allows regulatory program, ordinance with necessary <br /> for a variety of land uses maps and text as the <br /> and is sensitive to primary tool to implement <br /> environmental and Small Area Plans. <br /> social concerns. - Amend all other <br /> applicable land <br /> development ordinances <br /> to address the goals and <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-2 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />