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objectives of the plan, and <br /> incorporate as many <br /> separate ordinances as <br /> possible into the zoning <br /> ordinance. <br /> - Incorporate any new or <br /> revised environmental <br /> health standards into other <br /> land use regulations. <br /> Protect natural - Prepare an open space <br /> resources, which have and greenway plan to <br /> recreational, provide recreational, <br /> environmental or conservation, and scenic <br /> aesthetic value, areas. <br /> - Promote the use of the <br /> Cluster concept in new <br /> residential developmem <br /> and revise the subdivision <br /> ordinance to allow for the <br /> effective use of this <br /> development option. <br /> Natural Protect and preserve Minimize soil erosion, - Review and revise, if <br /> Environment sensitive runoff, and necessary, the Soil <br /> environmental areas and sedimentation to reduce Erosion and Sediment <br /> natural resources, negative Control Ordinance. <br /> effects On surface and - Maintain waterways/ <br /> subsurface adjacent lands in a natural <br /> water quality, natural state. <br /> river systems, and - Reduce the amount of <br /> private property, unpaved streets and roads. <br /> - Consider regulations for <br /> water detention and <br /> retention in new <br /> developments, especially <br /> in environmentally <br /> sensitive areas. <br /> Preserve significant - Coordinate development <br /> wetland areas in a review with U. S. Army <br /> natural state to assure Corps of Engineers and <br /> their S0il Conservation <br />Natural ecological value. Service. <br />Environment -Revise development <br />(continued) ordinances to mitigate <br /> effects of development on <br /> wetland areas and provide <br /> ample review time for <br /> relevant regulatory · <br /> agencies. <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-3 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />