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wildlife habitat and <br />migration corridors from <br />habitat fragmentation. <br /> <br />D. Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance <br /> <br /> 1. North Carolina General Statutes empower counties to regulate designated floodways <br />for the purpose of controlling and minimizing the extent of floods by preventing obstructions <br />which inhibit water flow and increase flood height and damage and other losses (both public and <br />private) in flood hazard areas, and to promote the public health, safety and welfare of citizens of <br />North Carolina in flood hazard areas. <br /> <br /> 2. No permit is required for certain uses, including agricultural, wildlife and related uses; <br />ground level area uses such as parking areas, rotary aircraft ports; lawns, gardens, golf courses, <br />tennis courts, parks, open space, and similar private and public recreational uses. Existing <br />artificial obstructions in the floodway may not be enlarged or replaced without a permit. Local <br />golzemments are empowered to acquire existing obstructions by purchase, exchange, or <br />condemnation, if necessary, to avoid flood damages. <br /> <br /> 3. The National Flood InsuranCe Program (NF~) is administered by the Federal <br />Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program makes flood insurance available to a <br />local community which, in exchange, agrees to adopt and enforce a flood damage prevention <br />ordinance to regulate flood-prone areas to help reduce future flood losses. In addition to the <br />availability of flood insurance, the NFIP supports mitigation through floodplain management <br />measures and the flooded property acquisition program. Enforcement of a local Flood Damage <br />Prevention Ordinance is required for participation in the NFIP. <br /> <br /> 4. Cabarms County enforces the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance within the <br />unincorporated areas of the County and within the municipal planning jurisdiction of the Towns <br />of Mount Pleasant, Harrisburg and Midland. <br /> <br /> 5. The Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance regulates development within floodplains by <br />providing for issuance of development penuits for construction, and for periodic inspections to <br />ensure compliance with the permit. The Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance also provides the <br />authority to issue stop work orders until problems are resolved or corrective actions have been <br />taken, and for revocation of permits in extreme cases. <br /> <br /> 6. The Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance requires a local permit prior to development <br />work to ensure development will not aggravate the effects of flooding and that structures are <br />flood damage resistant. Section 38-77 establishes that new construction or substantial <br />improvement of any residential structure (including manufactured homes) shall have the lowest <br />floor, including basement, elevated no lower than two feet above the base flood elevation. <br /> <br />E. Subdivision Ordinance <br /> <br /> 1. Subdivision regulations control the division of land into parcels for the purpose of <br />building development or sale. The regulations require that subdivision plans be approved prior to <br />the sale of land. Subdivision regulations are a more limited tool than zoning and 0nly indirectly <br />affect the type of use made of land or m/n/mum specifications for structures. <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-5 1 Jnly2002 <br /> <br /> <br />