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2. Flood-related subdivision controls typically require that developers install adequate <br />drainage facilities, and design water and sewer systems to m~u~raize flood damage and <br />contamination. The Subdivision Ordinance provides for orderly growth and development by <br />setting standards for street construction, interconnecting street systems, and for other <br />improvements that ensure the appropriate design and layout of new development. <br /> <br /> 3. These regulations also serve to protect natural features and resources by not allowing <br />or reducing development within sensitive environmental areas. The Subdivision Ordinance is <br />also used to ensure storm water drainage facilities in developments are properly installed to <br />protect properties from flooding and to lessen development in areas of high risk. Although these <br />regulations currently provide measures that support mitigation initiatives, the ordinance can be <br />amended to include more restrictive standards to further mitigate the effects of flooding. <br />Cabarrus County subdivision regulations are currently enforced within the unincorporated areas <br />of the County and within the municipal planning jurisdiction of the Towns of Mount Pleasant, <br />Harrisburg and Midland. <br /> <br />Table D-2: Sections of Subdivision Ordinance Pertaining to Hazard Mitigation <br /> <br />Section - Ob'ectives - ' <br />66.2 The procedures and 1) Aid in promoting the orderly development of the <br /> standards for the county and safeguard conditions essential to public <br /> development and health, safety, and the general welfare; <br /> subdivision of real 2) Provide space for safe and sanitary dwelling <br /> property for residential, accommodations within the county; <br /> industrial, institutional, or(3) Promote safe and sanitary environmental <br /> commercial purposes ... conditions, proper planning, adequate light, air and <br /> to partially implement the space, safe and sanitary design and arrangements, <br /> county's land development supply sanitary facilities, and existence of conditions <br /> guide and the small area which enhance life or property and hinder damage by <br /> plans, fire or other cause of destruction; <br /> 4) Provide for suitable neighborhoods with adequate <br /> streets, utilities and appropriate building sites; <br /> -5)-Save unnecessary expenditures of public funds by <br /> reserving space for public lands and buildings, <br /> including the dedication or reservation of recreation <br /> areas and school sites, or fees in lieu of, to serve <br /> residents of the immediate neighborhood within the <br /> subdivision and to provide sufficient streets with <br /> adequate width and with proper all,merit and grade <br /> for the coordination of utilities, planned streets and <br /> highways and other public facilities, and to facilitate <br /> adequate and orderly communication and travel <br /> within and between communities; and <br /> 6) Provide proper land records for the convenience of <br /> the public and for better identification and permanent <br /> location of real property boundaries; and <br /> 7) Ensure legal access to all newly divided parcels. <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-6 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />