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the lots within the subdivision will not be flooded. <br /> <br />(c) The prospective subdivider shall make a <br />determination of the crest elevation ora flood of 100- <br />year probable frequency in accordance with generally <br />accepted engineering practice. This determination <br />must reflect the actual conditions imposed by the <br />completed subdivision and must give due <br />consideration to the effects of urbanization and <br />obstructions. <br /> <br />d) No proposed building lot shown that is wholly <br />subject to flooding shall be approved. No proposed <br />building lot that is partially subject to flooding shall <br />be approved, unless there is established on the lot <br />plan a line representing an actual contour at an <br />elevation two feet above the 100-year flood. Such <br />line_shall be known and identified on the lot plan as <br />the building resthction flo0dline. All buildings or <br />structures designed or intended for use shall be <br />located on such a lot so that the lowest usable and <br />functional part of the structure shall not be below the <br />elevation of building restriction floodline. Usable and <br />functional part of the structure is defined as being <br />inclusive of living areas, basements, sunken dens, <br />utility rooms, attached carports and mechanical <br />appurtenances such as furnaces, air conditioners, <br />water pumps, electrical conduits and wiring but shall <br />not include water lines or sanitary sewer traps, piping <br />and cleanouts, provided openings serving the <br />structure are above the building restriction floodline. <br />Where only a portion of a proposed building lot is' <br />subject to flooding, such lot may be approved only if <br />there will be available for building a usable lot area <br />of not less than 1,500 square feet. The usable lot area <br />shall be determined by deducting from the total lot <br />area the area of the setback required by an applicable <br />zoning district regulation and any remaining area of <br />the lot lying below the building restriction floodline. <br /> <br />e) During the construction, preparation, arrangement, <br />and installation of subdivision improvements and <br />facilities in subdivisions located at or along the ' <br />stream bed, the developer shall maintain the stream <br />bed of each stream, creek, or backwash channel <br />contiguous to the subdivision in an unobstructed <br />state. The developer shall also remove from the <br />channel and banks of the stream all debris, logs, <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-8 1 July 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />