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timber, junk and other accumulations of a nature that <br /> would, in time of flood, clog or dam the passage of <br /> waters in their downstream course. Installation of <br /> appropriately sized stormwater drains, culverts or <br /> bridges shall not be construed as obstructions in the <br /> streams. <br />Sec. 66-71 River stream buffer All subdivisions containing or located adjacent to all <br /> rivers or streams shown on USGS Quadrangle Maps <br /> as a solid blue shall be subject to all of the <br /> regulations set forth in Chapter 4, Part II, of the <br /> county zoning ordinance. <br />Sec. 66-72 Sedimentation pollution All subdivision developments must meet the <br /> control, requirements of'the Cabarrus County Sediment and <br /> Erosion Control Ordinance. The approval of a <br /> sediment and erosion control plan for major' <br /> developments must be received within 60 days of' <br /> preliminary subdivision approval. No site work may <br /> begin in a subdivision until that approval is' granted. <br /> F~nal subdivision approval may n~ot be granted to any <br /> subdivision that is not in conformance with the <br /> Sediment and Erosion Control Ordinance. <br />66-81 Adequate public facilities To ensure public health, safety and welfare the <br /> standards planning and zoning commission shall review each <br /> subdivision, multifamily development, and mobile <br /> home park to determine if public facilities are <br /> adequate to serve that development. <br /> The public facilities to be considered include, but are <br /> not limited to schools, frre and rescue, law <br /> enforcement and other county facilities. Applicable <br /> state standards and guidelines shall be followed for <br /> determining whether facilities are adequate. Facilities <br /> must be in place or programmed to be in place within <br /> two .years of the preliminary approval to be <br /> considered adequate. The planning and zoning <br /> commission may grant partial approval of <br /> developments based on limited adequacy. <br /> <br /> F. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Another policy that affects hazard <br />mitigation in Cabarrus County is soil erosion and sedimentation control. The purpose of soil <br />erosion and sedimentation control is to regulate land-disturb~g activities to control accelerated <br />erosion and loss of sediment. Controlling erosion and sedimentation'reduces the loss of valuable <br />topsoil and reduces the likelihood of water pollution and damage to watercourses. Although its <br />intended purpose is not targeted at hazard mitigation, it does affect certain mitigation · <br /> <br />Draft Annex D v.3.1 D-9 1 July2002 <br /> <br /> <br />