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2. Graded slopes and Fills. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall <br /> be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover <br /> or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. In any event <br /> slopes left exposed will, within 15 working days of completion or any <br /> phase of grading, be planted or otherwise be provided with ground <br /> cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion. <br /> 3. Ground Cover. Whbnever more that one (1) acre is uncovered, the <br /> person conducting the LDA shall install such sedimentation and Erosion <br /> control devices and practices are sufficient to retain the sediment <br /> generated by the LSA within the boundaries of the tract... <br />57-12 Operations in Minimize extent and duration of disturbance of stream channel. <br /> lakes/natural <br /> watercourses <br />57-13 Maintenance Person conducting land-disturbing activity will install and maintain all <br /> Responsibility temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures <br /> as required. <br />57-17 Review a. Persons conducting land-disturbing activity will prepare a plan for <br /> all LDA... <br /> The County Planning and Zoning Services Department will review all <br /> plans for land-disturbing activity. If approved, the county staff will issue <br /> a Plan Certificate and Letter of Approval. <br /> <br /> G. Manufactured Homes and Trailers Ordinance. Cabarrus County has adopted a <br />Manufactured Homes and Trailers Ordinance, which establishes standards for mobile home <br />parks. The basic requirements for mobile home parks are the same as for subdivisions. The <br />ordinance sets standards for mobile home park development by establishing minimum space size <br />requirements for individual spaces, review fees, improved design and construction standards, and <br />construction plan submittal requirements. <br /> <br />Table D-4: Sections of Manufactured Homes and Trailers Ordinance Pertaining to Hazard <br />Mitigation <br /> <br />Section Purpose Objective <br />42-26 ... to regulate and 1. Further the orderly layout of mobile home parks. <br /> guide the 2. Secure safety from fire, panic, and other damages. <br /> establishment of 3. Provide adequate light and air. <br /> mobile home parks 4. Ensure that facilities for transportation, parking, water, <br /> in order to promote sewage and recreation are provided for mobile home park <br /> the.public's health, residents. <br /> safety, and general <br /> welfare of the <br /> citizens of the <br /> COunty. <br /> Mobile Home Mobile homes not built to the standards of the National <br /> Prohibited Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act <br /> of 1974 (effective 1976) are prohibited within any <br /> <br />DraftAnnex D V.3.1 D-11 1 July2002 <br /> <br /> <br />