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There are two issues that~ur committee would like to bring to your attention. <br /> <br /> 1) Prescription Drugsifor Seniors. As you may know both the US Congress and the <br /> NC General Asser~bly have been considering prescription drug bills for older <br /> adults. Congress Ilas already defeated several bills and is beginning to look at a <br /> compromise bill to,_ help the most needy. NC has been trying to establish a <br /> prescription drug I~_- ogram working with drug companies and providing help to <br /> people with certair¢ diagnosis like head disease and diabetes. With the current <br /> financial problems,~funds set aside from the Tobacco Settlement in the Health <br /> and Wellness Trust Fund are in jeopardy. Most people have to purchase <br /> prescription drugs ~luring their lifetime. For older adults, the number of drugs to <br /> be purchased and the cost can force a person to have to choose between food <br /> and prescription drugs. This is a tremendous problem in our country. We must <br /> continue to search ~or a solution to this problem that many older adults face in <br /> later life. <br />2) Much of the fundirig for older adult services in Cabarrus County comes from <br /> Federal and state f~lnds received from the NC Division of Aging. With the difficult <br /> financial woes of MC some of this funding (like many others) is in jeopardy. <br /> Currently, funding ifor Senior Center Outreach and Senior Center General <br /> Purpose has been ~ken from the budget. Cabarrus County lost over $12,400 in <br /> service money in March 2002 and the budget being discussed by General <br /> Assembly could result in an additional loss of $375,000 statewide. Currently <br /> persons age 65 an~ above make up 13.1% of the Cabarrus County population <br /> and by 2020 it is ekpected to increase to 16.8%. It is important that we have <br /> adequate community services to help our older adults stay in their home and <br /> avoid the high cost ~f institutionalization as long as possible. <br /> <br />We thank you for your supll~Ort and attention to the concerns and needs of older persons <br />in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> <br />